
Raising Azerbaijan's Aghali village meets UN SDGs - Special Representative of President

Politics Materials 24 June 2024 14:14 (UTC +04:00)
Raising Azerbaijan's Aghali village meets UN SDGs - Special Representative of President
Aslan Mammadli
Aslan Mammadli
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ZANGILAN, Azerbaijan, June 24. Zangilan, Gubadli, and Jabrayil districts are all seeing exciting new development projects, the Special Representative of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan in Jabrayil, Gubadli, and Zangilan districts Vahid Hajiyev said during his speech at the "Forum of Cooperation of Azerbaijani NGOs" in Zangilan, Trend reports.

He pointed out that Aghali village was built in line with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

"A total of 11 out of 17 goals have been secured here. 175 families, totaling 871 people, have already settled in the village. The construction of the Aghali-2 phase, consisting of 300 houses, is still in full swing," he emphasized.

In addition, Hajiyev brought up the fact that Azerbaijan would be hosting COP29 this year, a celebration that is perfectly aligned with initiatives carried out all around the nation.

"The implementation of environmental projects in the territories liberated from occupation will be one of the important steps for Azerbaijan in connection with COP29. Zangilan is the only district with four rivers flowing through its territory. We are effectively utilizing these rivers. There are four hydroelectric power plants on the Okhchuchay River. The total volume is 42 kW. More than 100,000 trees have been planted in Zangilan. This year alone, it is planned to plant 50,000 trees," he said.

The official stated that the efforts carried out in Jabrayil, Gubadli, and Zangilan are ongoing and not limited to the current stage.

"Compelling initiatives are now being executed, which are capturing the interest of investors," he added.

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