“If other organizations manage to hold exact and transparent exit polls along with the U.S. PA Government Services, we will only welcome their activities,” Rino Harnish, the U.S. Ambassador to Azerbaijan, said to journalists on 14 September.
He was commenting the Azerbaijani government’s decision on permission to hold exit polls during the parliamentary elections by two more organizations.
The diplomat noted that Washington received official approval from Baku to hold exit polls and major issue in the holding of exit polls was exactness and transparency.
The Ambassador stressed that the PA Government Services would hold exit polls in 65 constituencies and everybody could trust their results.
Touching upon the participation of the NDI representatives in the monitoring of the voting, Harnish said that it was possible only after sending of official invitation by Azerbaijan.
“I’m aware that the issue is under discussion of the Azerbaijani government for last two weeks and the White House will welcome such step,” he added.
The USAID announced on 2 September about signing of contract with the PA Government Services on holding of exit poll during the parliamentary elections scheduled for 6 November.
The PA Government Services is a world-known consulting company implementing numerous projects in the countries of Africa, Caucasus and Central Asia.