The Lithuanian Foreign Minister, Antanas Valenis has invited the Democratic Reforms Party (DRP) chairman, Asim Mollazadeh for the conference New Democracies in Europe and Euro-Atlantic diary that is to take place on May 3 this year, the DRP press-service told Trend.
The conference` s aim is to discuss the political matters, security of the EU eastern neighbors and analysis of the democratic transformations in these countries.
The Lithuanian president, Valdus Adamkus will start the conference. Political, economic and security issues will be discussed at the conference. The final documents will be adopted at the end of the conference. They will later be presented at Vilnus-2006 summit that is to take place on May 4. Ministers and heads of state from Baltic,
Black Sea region and EU countries will participate at the summit.
New Democracies in Europe and Euro-Atlantic diary conference is conducted within the frames of Vilnius-2006 summit that will be organized at the initiative of polish and Lithuanian presidents. The major aim of the summit is to define the region long term development, stimulation of cooperation in the region and new forms of the dialog between Russia, NATO and EU.