There are no secret jails in Azerbaijan for sure, reportedly said MP Guiltekin Hajiyeva, member of Azeri delegation to PACE.
CEs Secretary General Terry Davis submitted a request on secret jails to 46 member-countries. Later, he addressed 37 of them due to their unsatisfactory responses. Azerbaijan, in turn, responded to the request, but Davis did not react to it yet.
Hajiyeva said presence of Azerbaijan among requested states is linked to its situation in a sensitive region. Azerbaijan as a state needs to protect its military secrets from hostile neighbors; also, it may have some military facilities on borders with Armenia or Iran. In a view of this or some incomplete information submitted upon the firs request, the second one followedВ",- she opined.
MP said also official Baku is going to reply thoroughly to CEs request, thus bringing all suspicions on this matter to an end. В"Mr Davis himself said there are no secret jails in South Caucasian countries, in particular in Azerbaijan and GeorgiaВ",- Hajiyeva concluded.