On August 9, the delegation headed by the Turkish prime minister, state minister Mehmet Ali Shahin visited Heydar Aliyev Fund. The executive director of the fund Anar Alakparov introduced the guest to Heydar Aliyev Fund.
The delegation was accompanied by the minister of youth and sport of Azerbaijan Azad Rustamov and the Turkish ambassador to Azerbaijan Turan Morali.
The director of the fund A.Alakbarov introduced the guest to the exposure reflecting different moments of the life of ex-president of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev and photos reflecting his meetings with outstanding political and state figures of the world, popular workers of science, culture and art.
The guests saw the photos of Heydar Aliyev with heads of Turkey state and government, as well as got familiar with the documents related to the childhood, school and institute years of Heydar Aliyev, books and web-site of the fund. The Turkish state minister put down a note in the guest nook of Heydar Aliyev Fund.
Alekperov presented a book dedicated to the activity of Heydar Aliyev Fund in 2005-2006s to Shahin.