
Meeting of Bureau and Permanent Committee of BSEC PA Took Place in Baku

Politics Materials 21 November 2006 17:39 (UTC +04:00)

On November 21, the 35th meeting of the Assembly Bureau of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Black Sea Economic Co-operation (BSEC) and 28th meeting of the Permanent Committee of the BSEC PA took place in Baku, Trend reports.

The meeting of the Bureau focused on several organizational questions, particularly confirmed the Protocol of the upcoming meeting and adopted rules of work of the 28th General Assembly of BSEC PA. In addition, the report regarding the activities of the Parliamentary Assembly and the project of the agenda of the 28th meeting was heard.

During the meeting of the Permanent Committee, reports were delivered regarding participation of the BSEC PA representatives in the international events, regarding activities of the BSEC PA Committees, financial issues, calendar of events, etc.

