Today, Azerbaijan's President Ilham Aliyev has left for Minsk to take part in the sitting of the Council of the heads of CIS Member-States. At the Minsk Airport, the Azerbaijani leader was met by Vladimir Rushaylo, Chairman of CIS Executive Committee, and other officials.
The heads of CIS countries are expected to consider issues on perspectives of the development of the Commonwealth prepared by the High Level Group on Increasing the CIS Efficiency. They will also discuss approaches and concordance of the positions on the improvement and reforming of CIS.
In total, the agenda of tomorrow's meeting will include 21 topics. Their subject matter is different and considered for the development in the humanitarian and economic co-operation , security, and counteractions to new challenges and threats.
In particular, the Heads of the CIS member-states will discuss the Draft Agreement on the Council on Humanitarian Co-operation between CIS Member-States, Draft Agreement of the Heads of the CIS Member-States on Acceleration Cooperation in the Struggle against Illegal Migration, Protocol on Moving Amendments and Changes to the Agreement of the Status of the Economic Court of CIS of July 6, 1992.
A number of agreed documents were put forward to be signed without any discussion (13 documents). Amongst them was Agreement of CIS Member-States on Counteracting Criminal Incomes Laundering and Financing terrorism, Agreement on protection of Participants of Criminal Proceedings, Programme on Cooperation of CIS Member-States in the Struggle against Human Trafficking for 2007-2010, as well as Decision on Perpetuation of celebrating the Victory in the Great patriotic War 1941-1945.
In addition, amendments and changes to the Provision on the Anti-terrorist Centre of CIS Member-States, Provision on the Council of Commanders of the Frontier Troops will also be considered.
Decisions on suspending the effects of the decision of the Council of the Heads of CIS Countries, on awarding with the Diploma of CIS, on the Deputy Chairman of the Economic Court of CIS will be considered.
An additional 4 proposals have been received from the CIS member-states and bodies of the Commonwealth. At present, Noursultan Nazarbayev, President of Kazakhstan is presiding in the Council of CIS Member-States.
and Financing terrorism, Agreement on protection of Participants of Criminal Proceedings, Programme on Cooperation of CIS Member-States in the Struggle against Human Trafficking for 2007-2010, as well as Decision on Perpetuation of celebrating the Victory in the Great patriotic War 1941-1945.
In addition, amendments and changes to the Provision on the Anti-terrorsit Centre of CIS Member-States, Provision on the Council of Commanders of the Frontier Troops will be considered.
Moreover, decisions on suspending the effects of the decisions of the Council of the Heads of CIS Countries, on awarding with the Diploma of CIS, on the Deputy Chairman of the Economic Court of CIS will be considered
Additional (4 issues) proposals have been received from the CIS member-states and bodies of the Commonwealth. At present, Noursultan Nazarbayev, President of Kazakhstan is presiding in the Council of CIS Member-States.