
European Court, Azerbaijan hold correspondences on right to fair trial

Society Materials 15 May 2009 12:36 (UTC +04:00)

Azerbaijan, Baku, May 15 / Trend , K.Zarbaliyeva/

The European Court and Azerbaijani government are holding correspondences on violation of the right to fair juridical investigation, Defender of applicants' rights at the European Court Intigam Aliyev told Trend on May 15.

Plaintiff Professor of the Ganja State University, Chairman of the Ganja branch of Musavat Jahangir Amirov was arrested on April 28 in 2003 with the charge of abusing police, being drunk.

At that time, the Nizami district court decided to subject the plaintiff to administrative penalty for 13 days in accordance with the Article 310 of the Code of administrative penalties. After the arrest, he was dismissed at the Ganja State University under the decision dated April 30, 2003 in line with the paragraph "ch" of the Article 74 of the Labor Code.

Amirov lodged complaint with the court on violation of the right to a fair trial, described the Article 6 of the European Convention on Human Rights and Basic Freedoms. He believes that changes in the grounds of his dismissal from the work by the Appeals Court, as well as not informing him about the location and time of meetings at the Supreme Court, national courts' partial attitude to him due to his political activities violates the right to a fair trial provided by the Convention.

Amirov sued for illegal dismissal. The Dashkasan District Court rejected the suit, calling it unreasonable on April 5 in 2005.

The Appeals Court Amirova's complaint on July 29 in 2005, as well. The court only changed the articles of the Labor Code, under which the plaintiff has been dismissed from the job - from 74 to 70.

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