
Azerbaijan weighs up expansion of freight handling cooperation with Iran and Russia

Economy Materials 21 June 2024 17:39 (UTC +04:00)
Farid Zohrabov
Farid Zohrabov
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BAKU, Azerbaijan, June 21. Expansion of cooperation in the field of cargo transportation by road between Azerbaijan, Iran, and Russia has been discussed, Trend reports, referring to the Azerbaijani Ministry of Digital Development and Transportation.

According to reports, Azerbaijan, Iran, and Russia met to discuss road cargo transport. Road transport industry and customs service representatives, road transport and international cargo carrier associations, and transport company leaders of all three parties attended the meeting.

The delegations visited the border checkpoints of Astara and Khanoba of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Astara - Islamic Republic of Iran, and Tagirkent - Russian Federation.

At the border checkpoints, the parties became acquainted with the customs inspection method, document processing, and the process of cars crossing the border.

To note, the infrastructure established on the Azerbaijani side is capable of ensuring the passage of any automobile flow.

Furthermore, inspections at checkpoints, measures to reduce the waiting time of vehicles, increasing the share of carriers from Azerbaijan, Iran, and Russia in the international road transportation market, and other issues were discussed at the meeting held in Derbent.

The sides exchanged views on the potential and prospects of the North-South international transport corridor.

However, both sides noted the importance of strengthening cooperation to fully utilize the transit potential of Azerbaijan, Iran, and Russia and develop the North-South international transport corridor.

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