Azerbaijan, Baku, June 3 / Trend /
Today AccessBank made public an independent study which shows that entrepreneurs increased their income levels significantly after receiving financing from AccessBank. The report was produced by the Azerbaijan Microfinance Association (AMFA) and was based on a major survey of microfinance clients in Azerbaijan to determine the impact of microfinance on customers. The original survey and report, published by AMFA earlier this year, sampled 2,000 microfinance customers in Azerbaijan, half of which were new clients and half long-term clients and compared the two groups to assess the impact of microfinance. The 2,000 microfinance customers surveyed in the original report included 336 AccessBank clients and the new report published today compares the results for AccessBank clients against the nation-wide sample.
The report revealed that the average household income of long-term clients of AccessBank was 90% higher than for new clients (AZN 3,800 compared to 2,025 manats), and business income was 120% higher (12,397 manats compared to 5,629 manats). The higher income levels also filtered through to higher spending on education, savings and other 'quality-of-life' areas. The study concluded that these differences demonstrate the significant positive impact AccessBank's financing activity is having on the development of Azerbaijan's micro and small entrepreneurs.
AccessBank General Manager, Dr. Andrew Pospielovsky greeting the publication of the report said, "Recently, there has been much international debate over the extent to which microfinance actually helps borrowers. This independent study provides strong evidence of the positive impact microfinance provided by AccessBank has had. The study shows that AccessBank is fulfilling its mission of helping develop small business, diversifying the economy and eliminating poverty."
AMFA's Impact Assessment report on AccessBank, as well as its 'Assessment of Microfinance Impact and Social Performance of MFI's in Azerbaijan' is available on AccessBank's website (
AMFA was founded in 2001 and has 26 members constituting the major microfinance providers in Azerbaijan. AMFA's mission is to strengthen the capacity of micro-finance institutions and to promote effective collective action in advancing the interests of the micro-finance community.
AccessBank is 100% foreign owned by six shareholders, consisting of: the European Bank of Reconstruction and Development, the International Finance Corporation, the Black Sea Trade and Development Bank, KfW Development Bank - the Development Bank of the German Government (20% share each), AccessHolding - a strategic investor in microfinance (16.5%), and LFS Financial Systems GmbH - a German consulting company (3.5%).