Soon upon invitation of Azerbaijan Project Management Association the expert, consultant and certified director of projects on IPMA Level A international standards Dmitry Lukyanov will arrive in Baku. On October, 2-3 he will hold innovative international training "Project management: practice modern tools and trends".
We addressed to Dmitry with questions which often project managers in Azerbaijan ask.
- What unique and interesting will be at the training?
First of all it is a cross-cutting case- development of project plan on the example suggested by the participants themselves. Techniques of group work on development of project idea and conversion of answers received on structured questions into the project plan will be applied.
Each group member will contribute. Secondly, this is a view on planning and further realization of the project as on managed process. Understanding of project manager's and other project participants' role.
- What is the difference of this training from PMP system, and what is common?
Generally, any approaches to project management proved their own validity have much in common. We can draw analogy between PMBOK PMI approach and ICB IPMA technical competences block. In this training we'll touch questions related to P2M PMAJ and PRINCE2 APM approaches.
Common in these approaches is the drive to get project plan understandable to all participants as well as applied techniques of planning of similar elements, formation of timetable, approach to formation of team, risks.
Real-world examples which one cannot find in PMBOK recommendations (however they are available in other PMI standards) will be presented at the training. This a planning with focus on results, techniques of "quick creation" of schedule, register in team planning of participants not only from executor's part, classification of risks on the basis of influence on key parameters of the project and so on.
On the other hand, this training will also be considered as necessary training hours for access to certification on PMP.
- Which instruments will be developed and which examples, business cases conducted?
They are "brainstorming", "mind mapping", "protection" of plan blocks by teams before the client. It is a use of "project -process" approach in formation of the project plan.
- Why is this training useful for me?
You will be able to see the project as a "whole" understand your strengths and weaknesses, identify fields of posible improvement of your work through development of the relevant competences.
You will be able to get work technique in the team which you can apply in practice soon after the training.
Thank you for the interesting information!
Looking forward to seeing you in Baku!
Training "Project management practice: modern tools and trends" will be held on October, 2-3 from 9.00 till 18.00 in Royal Hotel. The language of instruction is Russian (upon request translation into Azerbaijan language is possible).
Find information about training programme, trainer, prices and discounts on
Additional information: [email protected]; +99-412-497-13-57; +99-055-511-95-98
Registration is open until September, 26
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