
Turkey switching to unified system of payment for public transport

Business Materials 24 January 2018 16:44 (UTC +04:00)

Baku, Azerbaijan, Jan. 24

By Rufiz Hafizoglu – Trend:

Turkey is transitioning to a unified system of payment for public transport, a source at The Ministry of Transport, Maritime Affairs and Communications of Turkey told Trend.

According to the source, special cards dubbed “Turkiye Kart” have been designed to realize the move to the unified system of payment for the public transport.

“With ‘Turkiye Kart’ it will be possible to make payments across the whole country, including the fares for taxi rides and sea trips”, the source said.

The source noted that “Turkiye Kart” will be available at every branch of the Turkish postal operator - TC Posta Ve Telgraf Teskilati Genel Mudurlugu (PTT).

Turkey continues to improve and digitize the payment system for the public transport. Currently, there are a number of cards for the payment of public transportation fares in Turkey.

The official exchange rate at the Central Bank of Turkey for January 24 is 3.7942 TRY/USD

