Ashgabat, Turkmenistan, Dec. 20
By Huseyn Hasanov– Trend:
The Turkmen company Hyzmatdashlar in the Serdar district of the Balkan region of Turkmenistan is building a plant for production of 150,000 tons of sugar per year, Trend reports with reference to the Neutral Turkmenistan newspaper.
The contractor is Nusay Yollary company.
The project worth more than 200 million Turkmen manats is being implemented at the expense of a soft loan allocated by the joint-stock commercial bank Senagat and the company’s own funds.
Director General of Hyzmatdashlar, Khudayberdy Khangeldyev, noted that the envisaged production volume will allow exporting dozens of thousands of tons of finished products abroad annually. In the near future, installation of equipment purchased in Germany, the Czech Republic, Belarus and Ukraine will begin at this facility.
A thermal power plant is being built at the company to generate process steam, this plant will use cheap natural fuel supplied through a regional gas pipeline, the report said.
The newest technologies and equipment provide for the organization of two production cycles - processing of raw materials purchased abroad and sugar beets grown in local farms, for which over 3,000 hectares of land have been allotted in the region.