AgroLeasing hopes on a successful result of the case on softening conditions on the giving out of the agriculture machinery bought within the State Agency the farmers, Tariyel Rasulov, Head of AgroLeasing OJSC told Trend.
Earlier, appeals concerning high duties on the giving out and sale of the agriculture machinery by AgroLeasing, and taken into account the conditions of farmers in the regions,
Azerbaijan's Agriculture Ministry jointly with AgroLeasing have prepared their proposals concerning this issue that have already been submitted to the Azerbaijani Government for further consideration.
The head of AgroLeasing thinks that it is expedient to prolong the term on payment of a loan at buying agricultural machinery from current 5 years to 10 ones. At the same time, the withdrawing of a deposit is not to exceed 50 percent out of the cost of the machinery in the presence of a mortgage agreement should be presented
At present, the Government is viewing the proposal we have prepared, and we hope that the final decision will be taken for interested persons-our farmers, pointed out Mr. Rasulov.
In 2005, the Government granted 100 bln. manats, 8 bln. out of them were spent on the State Agency management, the rest amount of means was sent to buying new agricultural machinery.
In 2006, the means given to AgroLeasing have reached 28 mln. AZN. More than 1.000 units of agrocultrural machinery are expected to be bought on these means til the end of the year.