Kazakhstan, Astana, Feb. 24 / Trend , K.Arinova/
Oil production coefficient (OPC) on fields in Kazakhstan is one of low ones amongst oil producer countries, Kazakh Parliamentarian Zeynulla Alshimbayev said at the parliament.
"Oil production coefficient on fields in our country is one of low ones amongst oil producer countries. This important factor decreases year by year in our country," Alshimbayev said.
The member of the parliament reminded that reserves are calculated in all oil and gas fields after geological exploration work. These reserves undergo state examination and are included in a balance. At the same time, feasibility study of the OPC is confirmed.
"I can cite examples on fields, such as Alibekmola, Kumkol, Uzen, Kalamkaz, Tengiz, Karazhanbas, Kozhasay and Zhetibay. In other words, we preserve a great amount of oil in subsoil due to unskilled and predatory exploitation," the member of the parliament said.
"The OPC depends on many reasons and especially, on quality of collectors and their use opportunities," Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry Official Bulat Ushkenov said while answering the parliamentarian's statement.
"Of course, we can increase the OPC, but then we will strike the field. In other word, each field has own term. While estimating oil production coefficient, we analyze roughly 48 versions and choose the most optimum one not to water the field," Ushkenov said.
Ushkenov said that it is possible to increase the OPC and decrease field's action term. "In this case, the remained oil reserves will be more."
The OPC amounts to 50-60 percent in the country's south and it corresponds to the world practice, he said. "This index amounts to 40-45 percent in huge fields," Ushkenov added.
The ministry's official said that everything depends on quality of collectors and technology to produce hydrocarbon raw material.
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