
Nabucco gas pipeline is important project in terms of energy diversification: interview with U.S. Department of State special envoy for Eurasian Energy

Oil&Gas Materials 24 June 2009 11:41 (UTC +04:00)

The United States, June 24 / Trend , N. Bogdanova/

The U.S. Department of State Special Envoy for Eurasian Energy Richard Morningstar spoke in an exclusive interview with Trend .

Trend : How real is the implementation of the Nabucco gas pipeline project given increasing competition in pipeline supplies to Europe and current lack of guaranteed volumes of gas for the pipeline?

Richard Morningstar: First, I would like to say that Nabucco, as other strategic pipelines, is a very important project in terms of energy diversification and security. This project is first of all able to provide some part of Europe's gas need. Secondly, it plays an important role in strengthening international cooperation. It can connect many countries. Nabucco opens up many possibilities. We support all projects that involve the delivery of oil and gas to world markets. We believe that such projects, in particular, Nabucco and Turkey-Greece-Italy (TGI) are very important in terms of energy diversification so that energy resources will be supplied not only from Azerbaijan, but also from Turkmenistan and possibly from Iraq.

Q: Is Iran's involvement with this project is considered?

A: No. I can say we have no plans regarding Iran's involvement in this project at the moment and in future.

Q: Can Turkey's desire to buy Azerbaijani gas at reduced price of 15 per cent, which will be pumped via Nabucco to Europe via Turkey, become a serious obstacle to the implementation of the project?

A: As far as I know, Turkey and Azerbaijan have no reasons to interfere with the project. With regard to the issue that caused differences between Azerbaijan and Turkey, as far as I know, Ankara has realized all its seriousness. Both countries, like Turkey, and Azerbaijan, play an important role in our energy policy in the Caspian region. Yet there is one issue that must be addressed - this is an agreement between the governments of Turkey and the EU.

Q: What is the likelihood of a recurrence of the gas crisis, which was provoked by price differences between Russia and Ukraine and the consequent suspension of gas supplies to Europe? What measures must be taken to prevent such situations in future?

A: Our policy is that we should solve all these problems only through cooperation. It especially relates to the complete energy security.

