
Kia Motors recognized best in meeting customer needs in Iran

Oil&Gas Materials 16 December 2010 16:58 (UTC +04:00)

Azerbaijan, Baku, Dec.16 /Trend, A.Yusifzade /

Atlas Khodro Company, official dealer of Kia Motors, was recognized the best company in meeting customer needs in vehicles in Iran as a result of research conducted by Iran Standard and quality Inspection (ISQI), Moj News reported.

Atlas Khodro left such companies as Assan Motor (a representative of Hyundai), Saipа, Iran Khodro and Pars Khodro behind.

The Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting (IRIB) reported that roughly 1,034,787 vehicles have been produced within eight months since the Iranian New Year (March 21) by showing a 17.8 percent increase compared to the same period of last year.

The report stated that during the Iranian month of Aban (October 21 - November 21) roughly 151,533 various kinds of vehicles were produced or 14.5 percent more than the previous year.

