Azerbaijan, Baku / Trend / Azneftyag oil-refining plant of the Sate Oil Company of Azerbaijan Republic (SOCAR) has intentions to implement reconstruction with Fiber Film technology for the alkaline purification of diesel oil and jet engine fuel and the production of distilled oil acids, the Director of the plant, Akbar Hajiyev , stated in an interview with Contact magazine of the Azerbaijan Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
The plant is holding talks in the connection with the US Merikem company. The implementation of the project will enable the increase of quality of production and will improve the ecological situation.
The plant will also increase the quality of production of lubricating oil up to international standards. The talks on the projects are in progress, selection of technological scheme of a new block on production of oils is in development.
The forecast for 2006 on the oil supply for refining the plant was exceeded by 24.7% and refining increased by 23.3%. The total volume of oil refining in 2006 at two Baku oil-refineries made up 7.45mln tons, which is a 0.8% increase compared to 2005.
The total volume of oil refining at Azerbaijani oil-refineries in January-May, 2007 comprised 3,297,140 tons.
2,101,000 tons of the oil was refined at the Baku Oil-Refining Plant named after Heydar Aliyev, 1,196,140 tons were refined at Azneftyag oil-refining plant. The volume of oil-refining increased by 510,520 tons at Aliyev oil-refining plant, and decreased by 510,980 tons at Azneftyag , in comparison to 2006.