
Tender: Iran’s NIDC to buy parts for low pressure filter press

Tenders Materials 17 May 2018 14:27 (UTC +04:00)

Baku, Azerbaijan, May 17


National Iranian Drilling Company (NIDC) intends to purchase the items shown below from a qualified and interested party through a one-stage international tender:



Estimated value (Rial)

Tender guarantee (Rial)

Tender guarantee (Euro)

Tender No: FP/09-97/003

Indent No: 01-22-9646009

Parts for "Fann" API/LPLT low pressure filter press, series 300

13,254.7 million

663 million


Interested parties may receive tender documents, in person at the following address until May 27, 2018: Hall No.:113, 1st floor, Foreign Procurement Dept., National Iranian Drilling Company, Airport square, Ahwaz, Iran.

To receive the tender documents, a sum of 510,000 rials ($12) should be paid to account #‎4001114004020491‎ in central bank of Islamic Republic of Iran under the title of “centralized income ‎funds” of National Iranian Drilling Company‎.

Parties should submit tender documents along with tender bank guarantee no later than June 30, 2018 to the following address: Hall #107, 1st floor, Tender Committee, Operations Building, NIDC, Airport Sq., Ahwaz, Iran.

The envelopes will be opened at 9:00 a.m local time on July 1, 2018.

For more information, please call: +98-‎61 34148205~6‎

