
Uzbek-Korean JV buys horizontal roller blinds via tender

Tenders Materials 8 June 2020 15:31 (UTC +04:00)

BAKU, Azerbaijan, June 8

By Ilkin Seyfaddini - Trend:

Uzbek-Korean joint venture Uz-Kor Gas Chemical, a subsidiary of Uzbekneftegaz National Holding Company, has announced a tender for supply of horizontal roller blinds (41 cubic meters)

The quotation should be submitted until 6:00 pm (GMT +5) June 13, 2020.

The following potential suppliers are not allowed to participate in the competitive selection:

- Suppliers being at the stage of reorganization (merger, accession, division, separation and transformation), liquidation or bankruptcy (submit a certificate from the tax inspectorate and the bank);

- Suppliers who did not provide all the necessary documents for the competitive selection within the established period;

- Suppliers who did not properly fulfill the commitments under previously concluded contracts;

- Suppliers being in a state of litigation with the customer.

Tender offers should be sent to the following address: 112 Zulfiyakhanum str., Shayhantahur district, 100128, Tashkent, Uzbekistan.

Contact person: Tajigaliyev B.

Phone: (+99 861) 222-21-87

E-mail: [email protected]


Follow author on Twitter: @seyfaddini

