70 presidential nominees submitted their applications to the Central Election Commission of Kyrgyzstan (CEC), according to the press-service, news agency "24.kg" reported.
As it is reported, self-nominee applications were submitted by Salmorbek Dyikanov, 1953, Ph.D. in Physics and Mathematical Sciences; and Kalybek Arabaev, 1942, the head of Cholok-Tuuma farm household.
Two political parties proposed their nominees. Zhashasyn Kyrgyzstan proposed Toktaim Umetalieva, 1962; Social Democratic Party - current Prime Minister Almazbek Atambayev, 1956.
Earlier the list of the presidential nominees was supplemented by the president of Rehabilitation (Blagoustroistvo) Osh City ltd, member of Respublika party, Tolonbay Kalmatov, 1955; the president of Kuudul-Aralash public foundation, member of Asaba party, Zhambylbek Kamchiev, 1954; the top specialist of the Cardiovascular Surgery Scientific Center named after Bakulev Moscow), leader of El-Zhurt party, Kubanychbek Apas, 1950; chief editor of the World of Manas newspaper, Kuttubek Asylbekov, 1957; Director General of Zhaisan ltd, Burunchu Kudaibergenov, 1966; founder of Penitentiary public foundation, Tolon Dyiknabaev, 1950; retired colonel Nishanbay Sulaimankulov, 1947. Mr. Trofimov, 1975, the director general of the Human Right Center named after Sergey Radonezhsky and Manas Magnanimous ltd, who earlier withdrew his application, again indicated his willingness to run for the presidency.
Alongside with that the self-nominee Bolotbek Kazakbaev recalled his application.
Earlier the CEC registered applications handed in by the teacher of Russian language and literature Murat Borombayev, 1958; the parliament member Marat Sultanov, 1960; the Doctor of Engineering Science Roman Omorov, 1950. The political party "Aalam - a non-partisan party" proposed its candidate for the presidency - Arslanbek Maliev, 1957.
Recall, earlier applications for the presidency were submitted by self-nominees: the president of Energostroymontazhindustriya ltd, Beinazar Berdikeev, 1956 and director general of Naryn joint Kyrgyz-Germany ltd, Kubanychbek Isabekov, 1957; Madiyar Kuluev, the chief of the Department of Internal Affairs of Oktyabrsky district; Zhumabek Toktogaziev, director of Shaten construction outfit; Polotbek Kenzhekulov, temporarily unemployed; Zhusupzhan Pirimbaev, chief editor of Reform magazine; Marat Imankulov, the first Deputy Head of the State National Security Committee; Kalmamt Maktybaev, the foreman of Kambarata-2 hydroelectric power station; Omurbubu Begalieva, the private entrepreneur; Torobay Kolubaev, temporarily unemployed; Almambet Matubraimov, Doctor of Science, adviser to director of Chuyelectro ltd; Zhumabek Isaev, temporarily unemployed; Mukanbaizhan Aimanbaev, temporarily unemployed; Kachkynbay Kadyrkulov, coordinator of public foundation "Rural hotline service"; Zhenish Rustanbekov, Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Kyrgyzstan to Kazakhstan; Sooronbay Dyikanov, director of Kara-Balta stated-owned distillery; Oomat Kazakbaev, former mayor of Kara-Balta city; Omurbek Bolturukov, the director of owner-operated farm; Asida Imanalieva, temporarily not working; Sazykbay Turdumaliev, director general of the Complex Supply Center, leader of Ulutman political party; Almazbek Karimov, a businessman; Omurbek Suvanaliev, retired major-general of militia; Damira Toktosunova, temporarily not working; Sainidin Sultadinov, a businessman; Ernis Aitymbetov, Assistant of the Internal Audit Department under Administrative Affairs Office of the President KR; Omurbek Egemberdiev, the president of Insanat international foundation; Ulugbek Babakulov, the chief editor of MK-Asia newspaper; Temirkul Onuraliev, temporarily not working; Bolotbek Kazakbayev, retired colonel; Nurlan Motuev, the head of the Union of True Muslims; Kurmanbek Osmonov, a parliament member and member of Ata-Zhurt political party; Zhyldyzbek Stambayev, temporarily not working; Barktabas Azemkulov, the judge of the Military Court KR; Akbaraly Aitikeev, the vice President of the International Congress of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of the CIS countries, Baltics and Eastern Europe; Zhanybek Suinaliev, unemployed; Akylbek Zhaparov, MP from Ar-Namys faction; Yryskeldi Ybyshev, editor of Perinur newspaper; Viktor Vinogradov, the chief editor of KGinform.com news portal; Nazarbek Nyshanov, the president of League-Anticrisis public association.
12 political parties submitted records to nominate candidates for presidency: Communist Party of Kyrgyzstan proposes Iskhak Masaliev, Ata-Zhurt - Kamchybek Tashiyev, Butun Kyrgyzstan - Adakhan Madumarov, Party of Green - Erkin Bulekbayev, El Uchun - Arstanbek Abdyldayev, Egemen Kyrgyzstan - Bektur Asanov, Working Party of Kyrgyzstan - Zamirbek Parmankulov, Ata Meken - Omurbek Tekebayev, Erkin Kyrgyzstan - Tursunbay Bakir uulu, Bakutbat Kyrgyzstan party - and the head of the State Directorate for Rehabilitation and Development of Osh and Jalal-Abad cities, Zhantoro Satybaldiev, Ar-Namys party - Anarbek Kalmatov, Aalam - non-partisan party - Arslanbek Maliev.
Deadline for top nomination is today, 12 p.m. Campaigning will start on September 25. Elections are set on October 30, 2011.