
Oil and Gas

Analysis Materials 8 May 2009 12:04 (UTC +04:00)

1. FEC 

 a) Oil and gas production  

In Jan.-Mar., SOCAR oil and gas production units produced about 13.2 million barrels of oil (about 1.6 million ton) compared to 13.7 million barrels (about 1.9 million tons) from the onshore and offshore fields in the same period of 2008, the SOCAR said.

SOCAR's joint projects with foreign companies account for 3 million barrels. Operating companies account for 454,000, Azeri-Chiraq-Gunashli - 2.2 million barrels and gas and condensate from Shah Deniz 306,000 barrels.

In Jan.-Mar., SOCAR received over 2 billion cubic meters of gas compared to 1.9 billion cubic meters for the same period of 2008. The SOCAR oil and gas production units produced 1.9 billion cubic meters of gas during this period. Joint ventures and operation companies, who produce gas from onshore fields, submitted about 19 million cubic meters of gas to SOCAR in Jan.-Mar.

In Jan.-Mar., the Azerbaijan International Operating Company produced 1 billion cubic meters of associated gas for SOCAR compared to 428,300 million cubic meters for the same period of 2008.

There are 57 oil and gas fields in Azerbaijan. Eighteen are offshore fields. SOCAR has 63,000 employees. 

b) Oil refinery  

The Baku-based oil refineries, part of the State Oil Company of Azerbaijan Republic (SOCAR) - the Heydar Aliyev Oil Refinery Plant (formerly Azerneftyanacag), and Azerneftyag produced about 1.5 million  tons of oil products. Production of oil products increased by 14.4 percent compared to the same period of last year.

According to the State Statistics Committee, production of petrol grew by 7.3 percent compared to the first three months in 2008 and oil bitumen by 46.1 percent. Production of other types of oil products dropped in this period.

The production of oil products in Azerbaijan in January-March 2009 is as follows:

Thousand of tons

January-March 2009

January-March 2008







Fuel oil



Diesel oil



Oil bitumen









v) Realization    

The State Statistics Committee reported that approximately 854,700 tons of oil products were sold to the internal market of Azerbaijan in January-March 2009, compared to 1.4 million tons in January-March 2008.

Some 214,100 tons of the total volume of oil products was petrol, which is an increase of 18.1 percent from the same period in 2008. The wholesale price for one ton of А-92 gasoline in the internal market (VAT and transportation costs inclusive) is 670 manats and А-95 - 736 manats. Azpetrol received 113,700 tons of gasoline and LUKoil - 35,700 tons.

In January-March 2009, 155,500 tons of diesel fuel was sold to the domestic market, which is by 19.9 percent less compared to the same period in 2008. The wholesale cost of 1 ton of diesel fuel (VAT and transportation costs inclusive) is 485 manats. Azpetrol received 57,400 tons of diesel fuel and LUKoil - roughly 19,000 tons, the state committee reported. The Azerbaijani State Caspian Sea Shipping Company purchased 5,000 tons of diesel fuel.

Most of all, fuel oil was sold on the domestic market. In the first quarter of 2009, 165,100 tons of fuel oil was sold to the domestic market, which is 73.7 percent less than the figure in 2008. The wholesale price of 1 ton of М-40 fuel oil in Azerbaijan is 100 manats (including delivery and VAT). Azerenerji JSC received 118,000 tons of fuel oil and the Heydar Aliyev Oil Refinery Plant 32,200 tons for further refinery.

A total of 81,700 tons of aviation kerosene was sold in this period, 32.8 percent less than in 2008. The price of aviation kerosene is 307 manats per ton (including delivery and VAT).

The sale of petroleum bitumen totaled 35,100 tons, an increase of 1.8 times from 2008. The wholesale price of 1 ton of bitumen BN 60/90 (VAT and transportation costs inclusive) is 160 manats.

In January-March 2009, some 24,600 tons of butane-propane gas (LPG) was sold, 24.2 percent more compared to 2008.

The other more than 176,000 tons of oil products were also sold, less by 19.2 percent than in January-March 2008. 

2. Chemical complex 

In January-March 2009, Azerbaijani state company Azerkimya produced 3 billion cubic metres of nitrogen, which is more by 14.1 percent compared to the mentioned period in 2008.

According to the Azerbaijan State Statistical Committee, the production of production of polyethylene, isopropyl alcohol and paints fall in the first quarter. No chlorine oxide was produced in January-March 2009.

Production of main types of chemical products for January-Ma2009:


January-March 2009

January-March 2008

Nitrogen (mln cu m)



Polyethylene (ths. tons)



Isopropyl alcohol (ths. tons)



Paint-and-lacquer materials (tons)



Chlorine oxide (ths. tons)



3. Power engineering  

In Jan-Mar., Azerenerji joint stock company (largest energy producer) generated over 5.8 billion KW/hour of electric power, Azereneji said.

Thermoelectric power stations produced 5.3 billion KW/hour and hydroelectric power stations produced about 0.5 billion KW/hour of the energy.

In March, Azerenerji generated about 1.9 billion KW/hour of electric power. Thermoelectric power stations produced 1.7 billion KW/hour and hydroelectric power stations produced about 0.2 billion KW/hour of the energy.

