
IT sector in Azerbaijan (January-October 2012)

Analysis Materials 15 December 2012 15:10 (UTC +04:00)

Azerbaijan's IT market has been experiencing dynamic growth since early 2012. According to the Azerbaijani State Statistics Committee, the volume of information and communication services rendered to organizations and people in January-October totaled 1.2 billion manat.

The growth rate of this sector for the last period at comparable prices was 17.2 percent.

Around 72.2 percent of the total volume of services in the field of information and communication services fell to the rendered services.

Around 59.2 percent of the total amount of revenues fell to the mobile services, which is 14 percent more compared to the same period of 2011. In total, the volume of revenues obtained from mobile services, hit 688.9 million manat.

Today, three GSM-operators: Bakcell, Azercell, Azerfon operate in Azerbaijan. The number of mobile telephony users has not been changed. It is at the level of indices as of early 2012. Around 110 mobile phones fall to 100 people.

Although, according to the statistics, the volume of traffic consumed in the public telephone network in Azerbaijan is being reduced by 30-35 percent monthly, numbering capacity of the telephone network of the "Baku Telephone Communications" production association under the Azerbaijani Communications and IT increased by more than 10,600 units. At present, the general capacity in the operator's network reaches 800,000 numbers. All automatic telephone exchanges of the operator were transferred into electronic form. Over 60 percent of them are working on the basis of Next Generation Network (NGN). The operator has also increased the number of ports of broadband Internet by more than 9,000 units and exceeds 210,000 units, taking into account private service providers' ports. The ports have been involved in the operator's telecommunications nodes on Baku and settlements of the capital.

According to Ookla company's NetIndex rating, average speed of incoming traffic in Azerbaijan is 3.66 Mbit / s. In Baku, the figure is 3.62 Mbit / s, the city of Sumgait - 2.79 Mb / s. The results were obtained on the basis of experimental studies conducted by the company since Oct. 19. Around 302,850 unique IP-addresses were chosen for tests.

Azerbaijan ranks 113th on incoming traffic rating. The ranking includes the results of statistics indices of 20 Azerbaijani internet service providers and communication operators. The maximum speed of incoming traffic was 6.16 Mbit / s (in the network of Azercell Telekom), and the minimum speed - 2.41 Mbps / s (TransEuroCom).

Azerbaijan ranked 121st on outgoing traffic rating with a speed of 1.32 Mbit / s. In Baku, the figure is 1.23 Mbit / s, Sumgait - 0.68 Mb / s. The outgoing traffic rating includes statistics indices of 20 Azerbaijani Internet service providers and operators. The maximum speed of outgoing traffic was fixed at 3.17 Mbit / s (AG Telecom's network), and the minimum speed - 0.45 Mb / s (Azerbaijan Data Network).

