Construction and building materials
Azerbaijani State Agency of Highways selects contractor for reconstruction work
The Azerbaijani State Agency of Highways has announced an open tender on two lots within the "Tranche-1" Investment Program for the development of the second road network:
• Lot -1. R-32 highway
Reconstruction of the Ujar-Zardab section (0.00 km - 37.00 km)
• Lot -2. R-32 highway
Reconstruction of the Zardab-Aghjabadi section (37.00 km - 70.5 km)
The tender is open to all applicants from the Asian Development Bank's member-states.
The cost of participation in the tender is 500 Azerbaijani manats ($300).
Bids must be sent till 17:00 (GMT +4) March 2, 2018.
Additional information can be obtained: (+99412) 599 79 82; [email protected]; [email protected]
Baku’s executive power selects contractors for construction work
Baku city executive power selects contractors for construction and improvement work in the capital.
The tender is carried out on 5 lots: 1) reconstruction of sidewalks, courtyards, parks and gardens 2) repair of buildings related to Baku's state housing stock 3) repair of asphalt coating of roads and sidewalks 4) purchase of building materials, goods and materials for communal purposes 5) overhaul of social, cultural and domestic facilities.
The cost of participation in each lot of the tender is 100 manats.
Tender bids of the companies with a bank guarantee of two percent of the bid price are accepted until March 15, 2018. The tender procedure will be held on March 16.
Baku Int’l Sea Trade Port announces tender for tugboat overhaul
Baku International Sea Trade Port CJSC has announced an open tender for the overhaul of 'N. Shirinov' tugboat.
The main requirements for individuals and legal entities - bidders:
- to carry out repair in accordance with the schedule;
- to guarantee the quality of the conducted work;
- to maintain the necessary documentation after the repair.
Repair must be carried out within 90 days.
The cost of participation in the tender is 300 Azerbaijani manats (1.7001 AZN = $1 on Jan. 30).
Bidders should submit documents till 17:00 (GMT +4) March 1, 2018, while tender proposals and bank guarantee can be submitted in a sealed envelope till 17:00 March 9 at: 72 U. Hajibayov Street, Baku, Azerbaijan.
Envelopes with tender bids will be opened at 15:00 on March 12, 2018.
Phone: (+99412) 599-00-03 (1401)
Azerbaijan’s Aqrolizinq company to buy passenger bus via tender
Azerbaijan's Aqrolizinq OJSC has announced an open tender for the purchase of a passenger bus that meets the Euro-4 standards.
The cost of participation in the tender is 300 Azerbaijani manats (1.7001 AZN = $1 on Feb. 2).
Bidders should submit tender bids and bank guarantee till 18:00 (GMT +4) March 14, 2018 at: 12 Bunyadov Street, Bakikhanov settlement, Baku, Azerbaijan.
The envelopes with tender bids will be opened at 15:00 March 15 in the conference hall of Aqrolizinq company.
Phones: +99412 425-66-94; +99451 255-92-40 contact person - Vafa Abdullayeva
Insurance and finance
AzerGold announces tender to pick financial advisor
Azerbaijan's AzerGold CJSC, which specializes in exploration, study, development and management of non-ferrous metal deposits, has announced an open tender for purchase of financial advisory services.
The tender participation fee is 250 Azerbaijani manats, which should be transferred to: AZ85PAHA38020AZNHC0190068658
Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN): 1403467421
Code: 505141
TIN: 1700767721
Correspondent account: AZ82NABZ01350100000000071944
Swift code: PAHAAZ22
Bidders should submit the following documents:
- a written application for participation in the tender;
- a bank check on transfer of participation fee;
- tender proposal;
- a 1-percent bank guarantee;
- a certificate on absence of tax arrears and other overdue obligations from the Ministry of Taxes of Azerbaijan;
- a copy of financial statement for the last one year of activity confirmed by tax authorities;
- a bank statement on financial condition for 2017;
- company's full name, legal status, charter, country of registration and details;
- certificates of origin and conformity to relevant goods;
- other documents.
Bidders must submit the abovementioned documents (excluding the tender proposal and bank guarantee) until 15:00 (GMT +4), March 9, 2018, and the tender proposal and bank guarantee in a sealed envelope until 15:00, March 27, 2018 to: 2H Mikayil Mushfig Street, Sabayil District, Baku, Azerbaijan.
Envelopes with tender proposals will be opened at 15:00, March 28, 2018.
For additional information, please call: (+99412) 505-02-02
Contact person: Rafig Abdullayev
Authorized representatives of applicants can take part in the tender.
Azerbaijan’s AzerGold CJSC opens tender to pick insurance company
Azerbaijan's AzerGold CJSC, which specializes in exploration, study, development and management of non-ferrous metal deposits, has announced an open tender to select an insurance company for transportation of ingots of precious metals.
The tender participation fee is 250 Azerbaijani manats, which should be transferred to the following account: AZ85PAHA38020AZNHC0190068658
Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN): 1403467421
Code: 505141
TIN: 1700767721
Correspondent account: AZ82NABZ01350100000000071944
Swift code: PAHAAZ22
Bidders should submit the following documents:
- a written application for participation in the tender;
- a bank check on transfer of participation fee;
- tender proposal;
- a one-percent bank guarantee;
- a certificate on absence of tax arrears and other overdue obligations from the Ministry of Taxes of Azerbaijan;
- a copy of financial statement for the last one year of activity confirmed by tax authorities;
- a bank statement on financial condition for 2017;
- company's full name, legal status, charter, country of registration and details;
- certificates of origin and conformity to relevant goods;
- other documents.
Bidders must submit the mentioned documents (excluding the tender proposal and bank guarantee) until 15:00 (GMT +4), Feb 15, 2018, and the tender proposal and bank guarantee in a sealed envelope until 15:00, Feb. 23, 2018 at the following address: 2H Mikayil Mushfig Street, Sabayil District, Baku, Azerbaijan.
Envelopes with tender proposals will be opened at 15:00 on Feb. 26, 2018.
Contact person: Rafig Abdullayev.
Phone: (+99412) 505-02-02.
Authorized representatives of applicants can take part in the tender.
SOCAR to buy pipes via tender
The Oil, Gas and Construction Trust of Azerbaijan's state oil company SOCAR has announced an open tender for the purchase of pipes.
All those interested to participate in the tender should send tender bids until 10:30 (UTC+4), Feb. 22, 2018 to: Zikh Highway, 41C, Quarter 2922, Khatai District, Baku, Azerbaijan, AZ1018.
Envelopes with tender bids will be opened at 11:00 on Feb. 22, 2018 at the abovementioned address.
The cost of participation in the tender is 826 Azerbaijani manats.
For additional information please call: +994 12 521-24-12.
Contact person: Vagif Rahimov
E-mail: [email protected]
Azerbaijani ministry opens tender to buy server equipment, software, licenses
Azerbaijan's Finance Ministry has announced a tender for the purchase of components of server platforms and operating systems, as well as server licenses, said a message posted on the website of the State Service for Antimonopoly Policy and Consumers' Rights Protection of the Ministry of Economy on Jan. 22.
The tender is held on two lots:
- Lot 1 - Purchase of some components of server equipment;
- Lot 2 - Purchase of server licenses, user licenses, operational monitoring systems, operating systems for IP telephony and other software.
The participation fee is 250 Azerbaijani manats for each lot.
Bids, backed by a bank guarantee of five percent of the bid amount, must be submitted until 10:00 (GMT+4), March 5, 2018.
The tender will be held at 11:00 on March 6, 2018 at: AZ1022, S. Vurgun Str., 135, Baku, Azerbaijan.
For more details please call: (+99412) 404-34-43.
Contact person: Nurlan Soltanov.
Air Astana JSC opens tender for purchase of equipment
Air Astana JSC, Kazakhstan's airline company, has announced an open tender for purchase of screw-type air compressor.
The tender bids should be submitted via web portal of Informational System of Electronic Procurement at until 17:00 (GMT +6) Feb.6, 2017.
For further information, please call: 8 (727) 258 41 36 (ext. 4700).
E-mail: [email protected].
Kazakh company to buy gas flow measuring device via tender
Ken Kurylys Service, one of the leading oil field service companies of Kazakhstan, has announced a tender for purchase of a measuring device.
Description: installations for measuring oil and associated gas flow rate, automated
Address: Mangistau region, Zhanaozen industrial zone, administrative building of Ken Kurylys Service, room #19.
For additional information please call: (72934) 6-93-40, (72934) 6-93-48.
Tender bids will be accepted until Feb. 19, 2018.
Cost: 44,161 million tenge
Kazakh company opens tender for electrical measurement services
Ken Kurylys Service, one of the leading oilfield service companies of Kazakhstan, has announced a tender for the purchase of electrical measurement services.
Address: Mangistau region, Zhanaozen industrial zone, administrative building of Ken Kurylys Service, room #19.
For additional information please call: (72934) 6-93-40, (72934) 6-93-48.
Tender bids will be accepted until Feb.19, 2018.
Cost: 11 ,707 million tenge
Caspian Pipeline Consortium holding tender for maintenance services
The Caspian Pipeline Consortium (CPC) has announced two-stage tender for the right to conclude an agreement for the wireless communication systems maintenance services for the CPC-Kazakhstan.
Applications will be accepted until Feb.28,2018.
E-mail: [email protected]
A copy of documents should also be sent to the Secretary of the Tender Council: [email protected]
Turkmenistan extends tender to modernize cotton-spinning mill
Turkmenistan's Textile Industry Ministry has extended a tender for modernization of the cotton-spinning mill Serdar in Dashoguz city.
All those interested to participate in the tender are invited to:
- send a bid indicating the bidder's full name, legal status, country of registration and details;
- obtain an invoice to transfer $345 (including a 15-percent VAT).
Tender bids should be sent until Feb. 12, 2018 to: 96, Garashsyzlyk Ave., Ashgabat, Turkmenistan.
For more information please call: (+99312) 40-71-57, 40-71-77.
CNPC preparing tender on booster compressor station in Turkmenistan
China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) has announced a pre-qualification process for the tender on provision of technical maintenance services for compressors at the Saman-Depe booster compressor station in Turkmenistan.
All those interested to participate in the tender should provide information about themselves listing their full name, legal status, country of registration and details.
Tender bids will be accepted until Feb. 10, 2018.
Address: 553/3, Bitarap Turkmenistan Avenue, Ashgabat, Turkmenistan.
Phone: +99312 44-54-34.
Fax: +99312 44-50-44.
Turkmen gas concern to buy equipment via tender
Turkmenistan's Turkmengas State Concern has announced a tender to buy lubricants, technological and all-factory equipment, propane and oxygen cylinders.
All those interested to participate in the tender are invited to:
- send a bid indicating the bidder's full name, legal status, country of registration and details;
- obtain lot specifications, technical requirements and main terms of the contract;
- obtain invoice to transfer $500 or an equivalent amount in Turkmen manats per lot (excluding VAT and bank expenses).
Bids from offshore companies will not be accepted.
Tender bids should be sent until March 23, 2018 to: 56 Archabil Avenue, Turkmengas State Concern (13th floor), Ashgabat, Turkmenistan, 1939.
For more information please call: (+99312) 40-37-45 (fax), 40-37-39, 40-37-40, 40-37-41, 40-37-42.
Email: [email protected]
Turkmenistan opens tender on reconstruction of gas terminal
Turkmenistan's Turkmengas State Concern has announced a tender for the purchase of materials for reconstruction of a terminal for the extraction and storage of liquefied gas from the Nayip field.
In addition, a tender has been announced for the purchase of pipes, mobile laboratories and all-factory equipment.
All those interested to participate in the tender are invited to:
- send a bid indicating the bidder's full name, legal status, country of registration and details;
- obtain lot specifications, technical requirements and main terms of the contract;
- obtain invoice to transfer $500 per lot (excluding VAT and bank costs).
Tender bids should be sent until 12:00 (GMT+5), until March 14, 2018.
Applications should be sent to: Archabil Avenue, 56, Turkmengas State Concern, Ashgabat, Turkmenistan.
For more information please call: (+99312) 40-37-39, 40-37-40, 40-37-41, 40-37-42.
E-mail: [email protected]
Uzbek state enterprise opens tender for organizing data transmission network
The state enterprise "Uzaeronavigation" Center has announced a tender for the organization of a data transmission network.
The tender is open for both domestic and foreign firms and organizations - manufacturers (suppliers) that have fulfilled the conditions for participation in the tender, and that have experience in the delivery of the corresponding products.
Applications for participation in competitive bidding and receipt of technical requirements should be sent to:
Uzbekistan, 100167, Tashkent city, Lokomotivnaya street, 13
"Uzaeronavigation" Center of the national air company "Uzbekistan Airways"
Working group of the Bid Evaluation Committee.
Phone: (+ 998-71) 140-27-48
Fax: (+ 998-71) 140-27-31
e-mail: [email protected], [email protected]
The deadline for receipt of applications for participation in the competition is Feb. 7.
The deadline for accepting commercial offers is Feb. 17.
Uzbek airport opens tender for drafting design documentation
The administration of the State Unitary Enterprise "Andijan International Airport" is holding a tender to purchase services for drafting design documentation for the installation of a video surveillance system along the perimeter of the airport.
Bidders should have certificates and licenses authorizing the execution of the work.
For more information please call. + 99874-228-48-46.
Commercial bids for the are accepted until Feb.7 at:
Uzbekistan, 170011, the Andijan city, Novokolcevskaya street, 1. "Andijan International Airport", to S.Tukhtasinov.
Phone: 0-374-228-48-46
Commercial offers are accepted by mail, fax, e-mail.
Uzbek scientific center to buy medical products via tender
The Republican Scientific Center for Emergency Medical Aid of Uzbekistan has announced an open tender for the right to conclude a contract for supply of medical products:
1. Central venous catheter sets Fornia 7 Fr - 450 pieces
2. Central venous catheter sets Fornia 3 Fr - 180 pieces
3. Central venous catheter sets Fornia 3 Fr - 150 pieces
4. Tracheostomy tube No. 8.0 - 45 pieces
5. Tracheostomy tube No. 8.5 - 45 pieces
6. Uterine Infusion Catheter Nelaton No. 8 Fr - 600 pieces
7. Coagulation electrode - 75 pieces
8. Oxygen humidifier - 200 pieces
9. Reticulate endoprosthesis for abdominoplasty, size 12х8 centimeters - 30 pieces
10. Reticulate endoprosthesis for abdominoplasty, size 15х15 centimeters - 30 pieces
11. Reticulate endoprosthesis for abdominoplasty, size 10х5 centimeters - 30 pieces
12. Reticulate endoprosthesis for abdominoplasty, size 20х20 centimeters - 30 pieces
13. Endotracheal tube with a cuff No. 8.5 - 150 pieces
14. Aspirating catheter size CH/FR 8 - 450 pieces
15. Aspirating catheter size CH/FR 14 - 450 pieces
16. Aspirating catheter size CH/FR 16 - 250 pieces
17. Spinal needle 25 G - 150 pieces
18. A set for transdermal drainage (two-step method) - 15 pieces
19. Intravenous catheter G14 - 150 pieces
20. Intravenous catheter G18 - 300 pieces
21. Latex Foley Balloon Catheter BEROCATH Ch 12 - 60 pieces
22. Extension line KD-LINE - 600 pieces
23. A set for epidural anesthesia KD-DURIFOST 82 (18G) - 60 pieces
24. Gastric Probe 8 Fr/Ch - 30 pieces
25. Gastric Probe 10 Fr/Ch - 250 pieces
Bids will be accepted until 17:00, Feb. 10, 2018.
Commercial offers must be valid for 30 days from the date of bid submission.
Address: Kichik Khalka Yuli 2, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Email: [email protected]
LUKOIL Uzbekistan announces tender
LUKOIL Uzbekistan Operating Company, operator of Russian LUKOIL's projects in Uzbekistan, has announced a tender for supply of Swagelok instrumental pipes and fittings.
Envelopes with tender bids should be submitted to: LLC Lukoil Uzbekistan Operating Company, 1 A, Olmazor Street, Tashkent, Republic of Uzbekistan, 100027.
Phone: (+99871)140-40-40
Fax: (+99871)140-40-41
Email: [email protected]
A complete set of the Bid Instruction Document in Russian can be obtained after submitting a written application.
Bids will be accepted until Feb. 16, 2018.
LUKOIL Uzbekistan announces tender for spare parts
LUKOIL Uzbekistan Operating Company, operator of Russian LUKOIL's projects in Uzbekistan, has announced a tender for supply of spare parts for Enersul sulfur block.
Envelopes with tender bids should be submitted to: LLC Lukoil Uzbekistan Operating Company, 1 A, Olmazor Street, Tashkent, Republic of Uzbekistan, 100027.
Phone: (+99871)140-40-40
Fax: (+99871)140-40-41
Email: [email protected]
A complete set of the Bid Instruction Document in Russian can be obtained after submitting a written application.
Bids will be accepted until Feb.16, 2018.
Tender: Iran drilling firm to buy hydraulic power tong pipe
The National Iranian Drilling Company (NIDC) intends to purchase the items shown below from a qualified and interested party through a two-stage international tender:
Description |
Estimated value (Rial) |
Tender guarantee (Rial) |
Tender guarantee (Euro) |
Tender No: CGP/25-96/031 Indent No: 43-22-9503748026 |
Casing and Tubing Hydraulic Power Tong Pipe Size 7"-20" |
54 billion |
2.4 billion |
55,231 |
Interested parties may receive quality evaluation documents, along with tender documents, in person at the following address until Feb. 15, 2018: Sector Tenders, Foreign Procurement of Capital Goods dept., end of the workshop No. 8, Karoon Industrial Area, Ahwaz, Iran.
Tel No.: +98 61-34142387
To receive the tender documents, a sum of 510,000 rials ($13) should be paid to NIDC's SIBA account #2174652205004 at Bank Melli Iran.
The deposit receipt should be provided at the time of document obtainment.
Parties should submit the completed tender documents, including qualification worksheets both on a CD/DVD and printed form no later than March. 1, 2018 to the following address: Hall #107, 1st floor, Tender Committee, Operations Building, NIDC, Airport Sq., Ahwaz, Iran.
Phone: +98-61 34148205~6
Tender: Iran drilling firm to buy slip assembly air operated elevator
The National Iranian Drilling Company (NIDC) intends to purchase the items shown below from a qualified and interested party through a one-stage international tender:
Description |
Estimated value (Rial) |
Tender guarantee (Rial) |
Tender guarantee (Euro) |
Tender No: CGP/25-96/020 Indent No: 43-22-9603748012 |
16" Slip Assembly for Blohm + Voss 500 Ton Air Operated Spider Elevator 12-3/4" - 24-1/2" |
3.846 billion |
193 million |
4,450 |
Interested parties may receive quality evaluation documents, along with tender documents, in person at the following address until Feb. 15, 2018: Sector Tenders, Foreign Procurement of Capital Goods dept., end of the workshop No. 8, Karoon Industrial Area, Ahwaz, Iran.
Tel No.: +98 61-34142387
To receive the tender documents, a sum of 510,000 rials ($13) should be paid to NIDC's SIBA account #2174652205004 at Bank Melli Iran.
The deposit receipt should be provided at the time of document obtainment.
Parties should submit the completed tender documents, including qualification worksheets both on a CD/DVD and printed form no later than March. 1, 2018 to the following address: Hall #107, 1st floor, Tender Committee, Operations Building, NIDC, Airport Sq., Ahwaz, Iran.
Phone: +98-61 34148205~6
Tender: Iran’s carmaker to outsource performing new car tests
Iran's car manufacturer Saipa intends to outsource performing homologation and validation tests on a new product, namely SP0, through an international tender.
All eligible companies are invited to submit their proposals including technical offer not later than Feb. 12, 2018.
Address: Automotive Industries Research and Innovation Center of SAIPA (AIRIC) Km 15, Karaj Makhsoos Road, Tehran, Iran.
ZIP Code: 1386133311
PO Box: 13445/965
Phone number: +98 21 4418 2126, +98 21 4418 1434
Fax number: +98 21 4419 6796
Email: [email protected] & [email protected]
For obtaining tender documents and more information please refer to:
Tender: Iran’s IRALCO to buy side wall cathode block
Iran Aluminum Company (IRALCO) intends to hold an international tender for purchasing 120 +/-20 percent tons (equal to 3000 pieces) of side wall cathode block.
Tender No.: 96/1013
Interested companies are invited to send their competitive offers until Feb.14, 2018 under IRALCO's required instruction to the following address:
Address: Iran Aluminum Co (IRALCO), Manabe Tabei Blv., Arak, Iran.
P.O BOX: 38195-131
Postal Code: 3818998116
Tel.: +98 21 88049046
Fax: +98 21 88049045
Email: [email protected], [email protected]
Note: Delivery should start from March 2018 and partial shipment is allowed.
Shipment terms: CFR Bandar Imam Khomeini or CFR Anzali Port. In case if supplier cannot sail cargo to abovementioned ports, based on mutual agreement final port can be change in contract.
Tender's documents can be obtained at:
Tender: Iran’s IRALCO to buy cathode carbon block
Iran Aluminum Company (IRALCO) intends to hold an international tender for purchasing 800 tons of cathode carbon block.
Tender No.: 96/1014
Interested companies are invited to send their competitive offers until Feb.14, 2018 under IRALCO's required instruction to the following address:
Address: Iran Aluminum Co (IRALCO), Manabe Tabei Blv., Arak, Iran.
P.O BOX: 38195-131
Postal Code: 3818998116
Tel.: +98 21 88049046
Fax: +98 21 88049045
Email: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
Note: Delivery should start from March 2018 and partial shipment is allowed.
Shipment terms: CFR Bandar Imam Khomeini or CFR Anzali Port. In case if supplier cannot sail cargo to abovementioned ports, based on mutual agreement final port can be change in contract.
Tender's documents can be obtained at:
Tender: Iran drilling firm to buy computerized torque monitoring system
The National Iranian Drilling Company (NIDC) intends to purchase the items shown below from a qualified and interested party through a two-stage international tender:
Description |
Estimated value (Rial) |
Tender guarantee (Rial) |
Tender guarantee (Euro) |
Tender No: CGP/25-96/021 Indent No: 43-22-9603748013 |
Computerized Torque/ Turn/ Time Monitoring System |
5.291 billion |
265 million |
5,960 |
Interested parties may receive quality evaluation documents, along with tender documents, in person at the following address until Feb. 15, 2018: Sector Tenders, Foreign Procurement of Capital Goods dept., end of the workshop No. 8, Karoon Industrial Area, Ahwaz, Iran.
Tel No.: +98 61-34142387
To receive the tender documents, a sum of 510,000 rials ($13) should be paid to NIDC's SIBA account #2174652205004 at Bank Melli Iran.
The deposit receipt should be provided at the time of document obtainment.
Parties should submit the completed tender documents, including qualification worksheets both on a CD/DVD and printed form no later than March. 1, 2018 to the following address: Hall #107, 1st floor, Tender Committee, Operations Building, NIDC, Airport Sq., Ahwaz, Iran.
Phone: +98-61 34148205~6