Average price of AZERI LT CIF, extracted at Azerbaijan's Azeri-Chirag-Gunashli block of fields, was $64.93 per barrel on Feb. 12-16 or $2.99 per barrel less than the previous week.
The highest price of AZERI LT was $66.21 per barrel, while the lowest price was $63.69 per barrel during the reporting period.
Azerbaijan sells AZERI LT via the Turkish port of Ceyhan and Georgian ports - Batumi and Supsa. The oil is supplied to Ceyhan via the BTC pipeline and to Georgia via the Baku-Supsa pipeline and railway.
Average price of URALS (EX-NOVO), exported from Azerbaijan via the Novorossiysk port, was $60.08 per barrel on Feb. 12-16 or $2.9 per barrel less than the previous week.
The highest price for URALS was $61.4 per barrel and the lowest price was $59 per barrel on Feb. 12-16.
Azerbaijan sells the oil supplied via the Baku-Novorossiysk pipeline through Russia's Novorossiysk port.
Average price of Brent Dated was $62.74 per barrel on Feb. 12-16 or $2.74 per barrel less than the previous week.
The highest price for Brent was $64.15 per barrel and the lowest price was $61.62 during the reporting period.