BAKU, Azerbaijan, June 11
The positive development of the cooperation between Russia and Azerbaijan must not be affected by any processes, including the pandemic, Ambassador of the Russian Federation to the Republic of Azerbaijan Mikhail Bocharnikov said.
Bocharnikov was answering Trend news agency's question about possible risks in the development of regional projects in the Caspian Sea region which are not excluded as a result of the economic competition between the US and China and the consequences of COVID-19.
Accordingly, the implementation of key regional projects with the participation of Russia and Azerbaijan, as well as the parties' approaches to the issues of mutual interest will not be subject to the changes, regardless of the impact of the pandemic and other external factors.
Touching upon the security issues and regional projects in which Russia and Azerbaijan are involved, in particular, in Sea region, the Russian ambassador to Azerbaijan stressed that the functions of the joint strategy of the parties have been reflected in the Convention on the legal status of the Caspian Sea, which was signed by five Caspian countries in August 2018.
“The process of working on this document has been underway for about twenty years,” the Russian ambassador added.
The text of this Convention sets out the main provisions taking into account the interests and security issues of all involved parties, including the peaceful use of the Caspian Sea, ensuring a stable balance of armaments, the absence of the armed forces of third countries in the Caspian Sea and a number of other key parameters aimed at ensuring security and developing cooperation among the Caspian Sea countries.
In his speech, Bocharnikov also stressed the priorities of the foreign policy of the Russian Federation.
"The priorities of our foreign policy are absolutely transparent, namely, building confidence, fighting common threats, expanding trade and economic cooperation, and expanding contacts in the humanitarian and cultural sphere," Bocharnikov said, emphasizing the high level of bilateral relations between Russia and Azerbaijan.
In its question, Trend also stressed that the unresolved conflicts, in particular, the Armenia-Azerbaijan Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, pose potential risks of destabilizing the situation in the region.
In turn, the ambassador emphasized that by using all political and diplomatic tools and its international authority, Russia is striving to strengthen the UN role as center of global politics.
"Taking into account the role assigned to the five permanent members of the UN Security Council in the Charter of this organization, Russian President Vladimir Putin at the beginning of the year put forward an initiative to hold a summit of the heads of state and government of the permanent members of the UN Security Council to consider the whole range of tasks requiring solutions at the highest level, including measures to build confidence and reduce military danger, and the problems in all spheres related to the security in the world,” Bocharnikov said. “All members of the UN Security Council supported this initiative."
In this regard, the expectations are being formed that the issue of the implementation of the UN Security Council’s four resolutions regarding the settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict may receive a new impetus.