
The betrayal of the Armenian Lobby of the interests of the USA and Western countries

Armenia Materials 29 December 2010 12:51 (UTC +04:00)

The relations of the Armenian Intelligence Service with terrorist organizations is well known in Russia, in the USA, and in the Western World. Selling weapons to  PKK, a terrorist organization, with the help of the famous criminal nicknamed "Ded Hasan" (Usoyan) via the territory of Armenia and performing terror acts in BTC (Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan) pipeline is also known to the public. Now, the Armenians, being afraid of Azerbaijan's economic development, are cooperating with the terrorist organizations to prevent Azerbaijan from developing its military power.

By judging these facts given by Hafiz Musayev, the Major-General of the Azerbaijan National Security Ministry, in his book titled "The Principles and Characteristics of Special Services Activities in the Fight of Against International Terrorism", we can assume that the terrorists supported by the Armenians try to deliver a blow to the interests of the USA and the Western countries in Azerbaijan. The importance of the book lies in its having developed dozens of interesting suggestions by analyzing the methods of fighting of foreign intelligence services against international terrorism and the activities of intelligence and counter-intelligence services in the regional war on international terrorism.

The book is a clear and authoritative guide to strengthening the cooperation of  world leading countries in the war against international terrorism and for this purpose, the author suggests the formation of the Regular International Secret Service Network in the Europe and USA. The membership of such organization should be on a voluntary basis.

Throughout the book the author steps calmly and firmly into the fact that, all terror organizations know that fighting against them the USA and the Western countries carry the 30% of the cargo by using Azerbaijan's air space en route to the conflict zones. And the activities of the terrorists are more concentrated on how to interfere with carrying the cargo than on Azerbaijan. Armenia and the Armenian Diaspora try to direct the activities of terrorists towards Azerbaijan by fighting against the interests of the USA.

The author also comments on the Armenians living in the USA and the Western countries who became billionaires. But their hostility and ill-intentioned policy towards Azerbaijan inveigles them into the fight against the interests of the countries who fed them.

The book consistently presents that there is no such a notion as "friend" for the Armenian lobby living the USA who supports the unmasked Armenian terror organizations in the USA. It has already been proved that the Armenian lobby is even ready to shock the interests of the USA with the purpose of joining Daglig Garabag to Armenia.

The book shows how, under the strong statements of the President of Azerbaijan Republic Ilham Aliyev, agitated are the Armenian officials in Yerevan and the Armenian Lobby in the USA. Based on the information from the mass-media, it has become known that the USA Intelligence Service has laid bared the relations of Armenian Lobby in the USA with the terrorist organizations.

Today Armenia and the Armenian Lobby by using their relations with the terrorist organizations try to strike a blow to Azerbaijan who is ready to free its occupied territories by declaring a war on Armenia. But mostly the interests of the USA and western countries will suffer from this terror attacks. The political elites of the USA and the West must realize this without any hesitation.

Thoroughly discussing terrorism issues in the globalization era, the author quotes academician R. Mehdiyev, the head of President's Administration of the Republic of Azerbaijan, who masterly analyses the process of globalization:

"Globalization has already made remarkable gifts to the mankind, opened new perspectives in development, and expedited the processes of world movement. Meanwhile, as it happens in every gigantic process, the globalization has also its own negative features appearing in various, sometimes in nihilistic forms. First of all, it indicates itself in living level growing disparity of the population of  the "rich" and "poor" countries."

The way out of this situation of the Armenian people living in poverty is becoming limited day by day. For its expansionist policy Armenia has been put aside of all regional-economic projects. Taking part in these projects Azerbaijan and Georgia have been developing their economies, but Armenian economy went down. The poverty inveigles the Armenian people into trading in arms, drugs, and in cooperation with international terrorist organizations.

But the role of the Azerbaijan Intelligence Service in struggle against international terrorism is unexampled. In most of his interviews the Azerbaijan National Security Minister Eldar Mahmudov announced that the relations of the Azerbaijan Intelligence Service with the world most powerful Intelligence Services are in a high level and he supplied with some examples on discovering suspects linked to terrorist organizations and their extradition.

