
Merkel Worries About 'National Dispute' Resurgence and Int'l Cooperation Fading

Europe Materials 12 November 2018 01:57 (UTC +04:00)

German Chancellor Angela Merkel said Sunday at the opening of the Paris Peace Forum that she was concerned over the potential return of national disputes and the fact that international cooperation was being called into question, Sputnik reports.

"A concern that I have [is] that once again the national dispute may gain ground, that… steps are taken and mutual dependencies, relationships and traditional bonds of a partnership are ignored because we see after all that international cooperation, a peaceful balancing of interests and European peace project are called into question again. We see a readiness to push one’s own interests through, if necessary, by force," the chancellor said.

Earlier in the day, Merkel, alongside leaders of numerous countries, attended the ceremony in Paris, marking the centenary of the end of the World War I.

"Lack of willingness and lack of ability to enter into a dialogue: this is precisely on what the mistrust and the logic of war fed … This war [the WWI] with its senseless bloodshed shows what national conceit and military arrogance can lead to. It makes us aware of the devastating consequences lack of communication and unwillingness to compromise in politics and diplomacy can have," Merkel said at the forum.

She urged for a solution for the long-lasting conflicts in Syria an Yemen, which drove the situation in both of these countries to humanitarian crises, to be found rapidly.

"We mustn’t quietly accept armed conflicts and wars, no matter how far from or close to Europe they might be," the chancellor said.

Merkel added that Germany is "very much looking forward" to serve for two years as a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council.

