
Average salary in Israel falls 7%

Israel Materials 5 July 2021 17:13 (UTC +04:00)
Average salary in Israel falls 7%

The average monthly salary in Israel in April 2021 for salaried employees was NIS 11,661, down 6.9% from March 2021, Trend reports with reference to Globes..

The number of people working in salaried positions in April 2021 was 3.5 million, up 33.6% from April 2020 and up 1.3% from March. The fall in the salary reflects the continuing trend of employees in low paid sectors, such as catering and entertainment, returning to work from unpaid leave, after Covid-19 restrictions were lifted.

At the same time the Central Bureau of Statistics announced that the broad unemployment rate (including people on unpaid leave) fell to 9.5% or 398,000 in the second half of June, compared with 9.9% in the second half of May.

