
Three Indian boats and 14 fishermen seized in Pakistani waters

Other News Materials 6 March 2008 00:56 (UTC +04:00)

Pakistani on Wednesday arrested 14 Indian fishermen for illegally fishing in Pakistani waters, the officials said. ( dpa )

"Three Indian fishing boats were also impounded," a press statement from Pakistan's Maritime Security Agency said.

It said Indian fishermen have repeatedly intruded into Pakistan's exclusive economic zone despite frequent warnings and tried to benefit from rich fish resources at the mouth of Indus Delta.

The two rival nuclear neighbours have a long history of mutual tension since they gained independence from Britain in 1947. They have fought three wars since.

The two sides regularly arrest each other's fishermen who unintentionally violate the poorly demarcated naval boundaries.

They engaged in peace process in 2004 and released hundreds of each others prisoners, many of them fishermen. But dozens still languish in prisons.

The 14 arrested Wednesday were handed over to the Karachi Docks police station for further legal action, the press statement said.

