
Jennifer Aniston Got Plastic Surgery

Other News Materials 24 April 2008 10:33 (UTC +04:00)
Jennifer Aniston Got Plastic Surgery

(transworldnews.com) - According to reports, Jennifer Aniston has had plastic surgery. The actress admitted to having surgery to fix a deviated septum, but a plastic surgeon says it looks as if Aniston has gone under the knife for cosmetic reasons.

Dr. Kevin Tehrani, who has not treated the 39-year-old, says he believes Aniston may have had surgery to make her nose narrow and fill her lips out.

"Her tip appears to have been corrected; it looks very defined now. I think the bridge of her nose looks narrower as well," he says. "It's very common for people to say they're correcting a deviated septum when they are, in fact, getting cosmetic nose surgery."

"It looks like she may have had some filler in her upper lip. It's subtle, but it benefits her face," he added.

Meanwhile, Aniston is in Miami filming her latest movie 'Marley and Me' with Owen Wilson.

