Ukraine, Kiev, 9 Dec / Trend corr Z. Novsvitskiy / The fraction of Lytvyn Bloc agreed to form a coalition with the fractions of Our Ukraine, National Self-Defense and Timoshenko Bloc.
According to UNIAN, Vladimir Lytvyn, head of the fraction bearing his name, informed journalists.
The fraction has made a positive decision, Lytvyn said.
"Today it is crucial to take urgent anti-crisis measures as the danger of negative repercussions of the financial crisis rises not every day but every hour," Lytvyn said.
A break was announced in the work of the parliament till
16:00 right away after launching the today's session. The fractions suggested
announcing a break in order to complete the consultations on forming the
coalition and electing a speaker, Alexander Lavrinovich, senior deputy chairman
of the Supreme Rada of Ukraine, said.
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