
In frameworks of "East partnership" the issues of safety, economic and humanitarian cooperation will be priority for Azerbaijan - Foreign Minister

Azerbaijan Materials 27 February 2009 09:23 (UTC +04:00)

Ukraina, Kiev, February 26 / Trend corr. D.Babesyuk/ 

In frameworks of "East partnership" the issues of safety, economic and humanitarian cooperation will be priority for Azerbaijan, Foreign Minister of Azerbaijan Elmar Mamedyarov having taken part in opening of GUAM Office in Kiev told Trend on Thursday.

"At the present there are no such offers. We now study those concrete projects on which we can co-operate with the European Union in frameworks of "East partnership". There is an understanding how to build this cooperation, roughly speaking, on three "baskets"- a safety basket, an economic basket and a humanitarian basket", - Mamedyarov said.

The program "East partnership, having an object to strengthen the relations between six Post-Soviet states - Azerbaijan, Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia, Armenia, Belarus - and EU, started to operate December, fourth, 2008. Cooperation with the countries participating in the program will be carried out in connection with creation of free trading zone and achievement of strategic agreements, subject to a condition that they do not become full members of EU.

As he said, filling of these "baskets" - a question of more detailed study.

So, in safety sphere, Azerbaijan sees a priority on conflict subjects in Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, safety issues as a whole, both those risks and threats which exist, including struggle against terrorism, the narcotraffic.

In economic sphere Azerbaijan is ready to bring up a question of a transit corridor, a question of energy safety (supplies to the European market), and also various economic projects out of power and oil sector.

According to the minister, in third "basket" of humanitarian interests of Azerbaijan the visa regime simplification, an exchange of students, issues in legal and scientific sphere can be considered.

"We study various offers interesting for us in our country. EU, from its part, advances own projects. The summit 27+6 will be held in Prague on May, 7. By this time it will be already clear, what projects will become priority, what projects will be left for later implementation, and realization of what ones is impossible", - the minister said.

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