
EU Prepared for Dialogue with Azerbaijan on Simplification of Visa Regime: EU Commissar

Politics Materials 6 December 2007 17:30 (UTC +04:00)

Azerbaijan, Baku / corr Trend S.Agayeva / The European Union is prepared to launch talks with Azerbaijan on the simplification of visa regime, Benita-Ferrera Waldner, the EU Commissar on Foreign Relations said in a mailed interview for Trend .

The European Commission offered he partners countries to seek ways for simplification of visa procedures and in and out visits to the EU member-countries. The key objective of the initiative is to increase the mobility and exchange between the EU and New Neighborhood Policy member-countries (Azerbaijan, Georgia and Armenia).

The New Neighborhood Policy was signed with three South Caucasus countries in 2006 and is directed at the development of economy and improvement of democratic society in these countries.

According to the EU commissar, the issue can be solved in the context of resolution of problem such as illegal migration, border government, extradition of illegal migrants, etc.

