
Demonstrations on Rights of Workers Take Place in 40 Countries: Iranian Advocate

Politics Materials 7 March 2008 10:53 (UTC +04:00)

Azerbaijan, Baku, 6 March /corr. Trend D.Khatinoglu / Low salaries and their delay in Iran, arrest of heads of syndicates and prevention of the demonstrations led to the protest of international community. "We hold campaign at the international level with regards to the violation of human rights and the issue that salaries in Iran are three times less than the cost of living," the member of Communist Workers Party, Muhammad Asengeran, who functions in London, reported to Trend .

The International Transport Workers' Federation (ITF), International Trade Union Confederation and Global Union Federation declared 6 March as Protection Day of Iranian Workers. Today discussions will be held in several countries with the Iranian diplomats with regards to the social problems.

Human rights advocate Asengeran reported to Trend by telephone from London on 6 March that actions for protection of the Iranian workers are held in 15 countries with the participation of Amnesty International and other organizations. "The Government of Iran put illegal pressure on the workers. Heads of trade unions are arrested. Chairman of the Syndicate of Transporters- Mahmoud Osanlu, former chairman of the Bakery Syndicate-Mahmoud Salihi and other were sentenced to five years in prison," Asengeran said.

According to him, the official statistics describe the cost of living per month in Iran at $560, but the minimal salary in the Country totals $190. "In several firms and enterprises, salaries of the workers were delayed for a period from four month to one year. Eleven workers in the city who protested against it were punished with lashing blows. Such unfair process may be observed in other cities as well," Asengeran said.

