
China welcomes Iran's preparedness to cooperate with IAEA: ambassador (INTERVIEW)

Politics Materials 28 October 2009 10:06 (UTC +04:00)

Azerbaijan, Baku, October 27 /corr. Trend , E.Ostapenko /

Trend Persian desk's exclusive interview with H.E. Ambassador Mr. Hu Xiaodi, the Chinese Permanent Representative to the UN Office in Vienna and Other International Organizations.

Q: After a year Iran allowed IAEA inspectors to the plant of heavy water production in Arak. Recently Iran announced the possibility of access for the IAEA inspectors to the second uranium enrichment plant in Qom. Do you think that these steps guarantee the peaceful nature of Iran's nuclear program?

A: We support the IAEA to discharge its duty and responsibility in accordance with the IAEA's Statute, believing that the Iranian cooperation with the IAEA is conductive to building confidence about the nature of Iranian nuclear program. Therefore, we welcome Iran's recent cooperative gestures and encourage Iran to continue its cooperation with the IAEA.

Q: Several media outlets reported that Iran conducts military exercises, for example, explosive tests, study on the nuclear warheads etc. Is there any reliable information about such tests in Iran or all these intentions are at the level of assumption? Does Iran have the right not to answer such questions?

A: The IAEA is in charge of implementing the NPT safeguards and relevant provisions of the UN Security Council resolutions on the Iranian nuclear issue. The IAEA investigation progress and relevant observations or conclusions are contained in the IAEA Director General's reports. A careful study on these reports will help understand the above questions or find answers to them. We always encourage Iran to deepen and widen its cooperation with the IAEA, and believe that doing so will be helpful for removing ambiguities and suspicions about the Iranian nuclear program.

Q: IAEA receives reports about suspicious activity in the neighboring to Iran countries, as well. For example, Israeli jets raided alleged military site in Syria in September 2007, traces of enriched uranium were discovered in Egypt. Do you believe that the proliferation of nuclear weapons is the real problem for the Middle East?

A: Real or potential proliferation of nuclear weapons constitutes a global challenge which the international community is facing. The strict observance of international nuclear non-proliferation norms by all states is critical for achieving non-proliferation goals. Therefore, the universalization of the NPT and its honest observance must be one of the most important tasks, in particular in the Middle East.

Q: Do not you think that any sanctions towards Iran will first of all hurt Iranian people and will promote national unity in confronting the West, which would undoubtedly weaken the opposition?

In a nutshell, China pursues three fundamental points:

  1. Safeguard and strengthen nuclear-weapon non-proliferation regime;
  2. Seek long-term, comprehensive and just settlement of the Iranian nuclear issue through peaceful diplomacy;
  3. Promote peace and security in the Middle East.

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