
EU mission in Armenia poses direct threats to regional peace, security - Azerbaijani expert

Politics Materials 24 February 2023 13:02 (UTC +04:00)

BAKU, Azerbaijan, February 24. The start of the activities of the EU monitoring mission in Armenia poses direct threats to peace and security in the region, Azerbaijani political expert Sahil Karimli told AZERTAG, Trend reports.

According to Karimli, a clear example of such threats is the shelling of the Azerbaijani Army’s positions both from the territory of Armenia and from the Azerbaijani territories temporarily stationed by Russian peacekeepers [in accordance with a trilateral statement signed between Azerbaijani, Armenian and Russian leaders following the second Karabakh war], just a day after the arrival of the EU mission in the region.

He noted that the Azerbaijani state has repeatedly stated that it is unacceptable to send observers from Europe to Armenia since this step can further aggravate the situation in the region in this already vulnerable period.

Besides, according to the expert, the processes have shown that Azerbaijan is absolutely right in its position.

Armenia, relying on the EU monitoring mission sent to the region under the guise of a civilian mission, but in fact, began to act for provocative purposes, continues to threaten Azerbaijan. The Armenian leadership seems to consider the EU mission as a shield for itself, Karimli said.

"It's no secret that Armenia draws this courage from European circles and from the representatives they send to the region. The Azerbaijani army has been very harsh in the past in suppressing Armenia's military provocations, and henceforth, any threats will also be given an adequate response. Armenia should not think that her actions will go unpunished. No one can save her," he pointed out.

Karimli also spoke about the indifference of the Iranian authorities regarding the arrival of the EU mission in the region.

“It’s surprising that Iran, which at other times called the border with Armenia its ‘red line’, neglects the fact that armed Europeans have reached its borders. As can be seen, the feeling of hostility towards Azerbaijan blinded the regime of the mullahs,” he commented.

“At the same time, Russia doesn’t take serious steps against the deployment of the EU mission in Armenia. Regardless of what games are being played in the region or what provocative plans are being made, the Azerbaijani state is demonstrating its resolute position,” the expert noted.

“Azerbaijan is ready for any scenario. If Armenia continues provocations, it will receive an adequate response," added Karimli.

The EU launched its civilian mission in Armenia (EU Mission in Armenia / EUMA) under the Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) on February 20, 2023.

According to the European Commission, the exclusively civilian staff of the EUMA will include 100 members, with around 50 unarmed observers.

EEAS Managing Director of the Civilian Planning and Conduct Capability (CPCC) Stefano Tomat will serve as the Civilian Operation Commander, while Markus Ritter will serve as the Head of Mission.

Meanwhile, the mission's initial mandate will last for two years.

