
Georgia consider oil transportation via Kars-Ahalkalaki-Tbilisi-Baku to Turkey expedient Georgian minister of economic development

Politics Materials 27 July 2006 18:08 (UTC +04:00)

В"Georgia wants TEO for Kars-Ahalkalaki-Tbilisi-Baku railroad project to include not just Azerbaijan, Georgia, Turkey, but also China and Europe in the outlook. This shall be done to get the fuller picture not linked to designing one individual sectionВ", reportedly said Irakly Chogovadze, Georgian Minister of Transport, who takes part in transport ministries heads session in Astana.

Chogovadze said the final draft would be defined by late August upon Turkeys request. В"Actual designing will start upon identifying all issues linked to financing this projectВ", minister outlined.

Repayment of credit to get attracted for construction operations is based on self-repayment of each section. В"We will have specific fees for each section, defined by workgroupsВ", said Georgian minister. Conversations on these issues, he added, shall end by mid-August.

Speaking on oil and oil products transportation by railroad related to transportation via ports Poti and Batumi, minister underlined that this will depend on destination. В"If destination point is Europe, Georgian ports will be more expedient, if Turkey, then railroad will be preferredВ", he concluded.

