After the Justice Ministry of Azerbaijan recognized our opponent as National Independence Party, we refused the property, the Chairman of Citizen and Development Party Ali Aliyev told Trend.
It should be mentioned that after the conflicts in the opposition Azerbaijan National Independence Party (ANIP), several members of the party headed by Ali Aliyev left the party and began to function as National Independence Party (NIP). And each side held congress separately and submitted the documents to the Justice Ministry of Azerbaijan. In result the Ministry recognized the flank of National Independence Party under leadership of Etibar Mammadov and confirmed the document of dismissal of Ali Aliyev from the chairmanship.
After this decision of the Ministry, Aliyev created the Party Citizen and Development. The central apparat and local organizations of this party are formed on base of ANIP. But as in Baku, the party couldn't receive the property of ANIP in the regions. Because after the decision of the Ministry, we lost our juridical force to make claim over the properties of ANIP. Problems appear with it and this problem will be resolved soon, Aliyev stressed.
The Party Citizen and Development is the member of Azadlig Political Block.