The new Head of the Azerbaijan mission to the Council of Europe, Ambassador Arif Mammadov, informed Trend that he will begin to fulfill his responsibilities on January 15.
The Ambassador, has been the Ambassador in Benelux countries for 10 years. He is currently in Brussels. According to the Protocol, Mr. Mammadov, who completes his activities in these countries, will meet with the heads of the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxemburg, as well as European Union. Them Mr. Mammadov will be received by the Secretary General of the Council of Europe, Tarry Davis and will submit the accreditation documents to CE Head. Mr. Mammadov said that he intends to closely work in the parliamentary mission of Azerbaijan to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, which will be in Strasburg on January 20-26 and that he will participate at the winter session of the PACE.