
Muslims should be Committed to Sharia and not to Obey West’s Rules: Sheik Mohammad Hussein Fadlallah

Society Materials 29 August 2008 15:30 (UTC +04:00)

Azerbaijan, Baku, 29 August/ Trend , corr U. Sadigova/ Interview of Lebanese theologian Sheik Mohammad Hussein Fadlallah with Trend .

Question: Why was the latest consent on the agreement on understanding between Shiite Hezbollah and Sunnite-Salafite frozen? Why the parties could not accomplish it?

Answer: Earlier, the Islamic leaders have repeatedly called on to dialogue, which was to put an end to disagreements between Shiites and Vahabbists. Major reason causing such disagreements is the study of interpretation of texts from Koran and also Sunna - deeds and speeches of the prophet. Different views of fellow-fighters of the prophet in study of major laws of Sharia, for instance, Fitva in Sharia is a firm decision where there can be no wrong accusations.

As to the relations of Muslims with their brothers, it is banned to shed blood of one's brother with common faith. However, latest developments show that Muslims fight with each other. It demonstrates that hatred has been created among them. This chaos in the relationship of Muslims and advancing their own ideas by every religious trend in Islam led to the expansion of political games of pro-western politicians of Lebanon who gained political advantages by the help of US. These people take advantage of disagreements among Muslims to pursue their own policy in the region. However, their actions are well planned and it led to the murder between coreligionists and fellow countrymen. Some politicians are obliged to let US and its allies to the region in order to determine political behavior of political trends that are committed to fanaticism in religion.

Therefore, political leaders attempted to organize meeting of Islamic religious groups to address above-mentioned problems. Because it will contribute to the unification of Muslims and will help to end disagreements and to resolve a number of internal political problems of Islam world. This is ground for the enhanced mutual understanding which will help to solve old problems in the relations of Shiites and Sunnites. Precisely this principle should underlie the document on mutual understanding between Hezbollah and Salafits. This union, a right step toward the reconciliation of two religious trends was immediately supported in Lebanon and in other Arab countries. However, one should mention the fact that, thanks to the hardships in the relationship of Muslims the political problems in Near East favorable for West is getting more acute. Moreover, several political principles of Arab states are the study of disputes regarding religious trends. Often these disagreements originate from old historical problems. For instance, some Sunnite leaders assume that participation of Shiites in the Sunnite community is important to eliminate hatred among them, but followers of other religious trends believe this idea to be dangerous.

As to the views of those who oppose friendship of Muslims and reject their unification under a single faith of Allah, this is first of all the consequence of their political ambitions and contacts with West. Actually this unification aims at promoting war against tyranny and Zionism. As prophet Muhammad stated, those causing disagreements in world, will go to hell.

Question: What problems between Sunnites and Shiites prevent them from uniting?

Answer: The major problems in Sunnite and Shiite relations date back to remote past when various creeds within Islam could not find a common ground on several religious issues. These creeds have their own political, cultural and economic interests. At present, one of the vulnerable sides of Islamic dialogue is the life standards of Muslims. Allah promises Muslims in Koran: "When you have disagreements, turn to Allah and prophet". It aims at helping Muslims to understand major calling of Sharia - Muslim rights and key concept of Allah in sacred ayas from Koran. World tyrants led by US and Jews as well who obey their policy use lack of education of Muslims. Therefore, return to the Islam propaganda and increasing financing for this acquires significance which will protect our country from occupation of tyrants, split, robbery of its wealth and most important - hatred among people.

Question: Is there is any views that Islam and democracy are incompatible. What do you think is important to do relate concept of democracy to Islam?

Answer: Concepts of 'democracy' and 'Islam' differ from each other by some cultural aspects. But from political point of view, there is certain connection between democracy and Islam. As for cultural differences between democracy and Islam, the key idea that democracy stipulates is banned by Sharia.

On the other hand, the holy texts of Koran specify common culture of Muslims. All Muslims should observe these rules and make Sharia key law of their life. Koran says: "Allah and prophet established a law on the earth and believers must follow these, but not other rules".

Allah also says in Koran that majority introduces right and law not always, but minority not always tells untruth. But this issue must be studied on the level of holy book and Islamic rules.

Question: Western experts believe that Muslim world needs reforms to eliminate obstacles for mutual understanding with western countries. Does Muslim world need reform? If it does, what reforms?

Answer: We think that majority of problems in Muslim world, also problems of governance are created by those who obey western tyrants and serve their political interests. Besides, West rejects Islamic values and Sharia while corruption is rife in social and economic life. Such statements by West targeted against Islam estrange Muslims from their moral and spiritual values which arouses various racist ideas among people. Islam world needs reforms in all spheres of life, but they must be carried out in conformance with Islamic values, but not principles of West.

Question: Islam does not reject dialogue between various confessions. Why issue of talks between Arab states and Israel is not discussed on the religious level?

Answer: Islam is a religion calling for dialogue between various confessions on the cultural level. On the political level, it means political elections between nations and states and between parties and their supporters. Dialogue with Jews is not problem for Muslims. Besides, Islam supports dialogue with Jews and Christians, Hindus and Buddhists and even with secular states. However, Israel-Islamic world relations are not religious, but political problems. The Jews have occupied lands of Palestinians and evicted them from their native lands claiming that Palestinians live in the land of Jews. They also claim that Israel is a Jewish state which means that neither Muslims, nor Christians who recognize Jews, do not have a right to live in this territory. The attitude of Arab states to Jews will not change until they continue direct and indirect occupation, kill civilians, women and children and deprive Palestinians of water, food, medicine and electricity and also build a fence around settlements. Therefore, problem between Arabs and Israelites does not dialogue between Muslims and Jews. But unfortunately, world community supports Israelites and accuses Palestinians, Lebanese and Syrians of this problem. We ask Azerbaijani people: What is your position toward the state and people who have occupied your lands and have evicted you from your lands? Will you make friends with them or will resist them? The attitude of Muslims to Jews is formed from the viewpoint of Islamic humanism and this is directed against an invader state, but not against Jewish people. We try so that the Palestinian people could recover their historical rights and to put an end to the massacre of people by US.

