Georgia, Tbilisi, Dec. 24 / Trend N.Kirtzkhalia /
On Dec.24, the Georgian National Communications Commission (GNCC) will decide on measures to be taken in regard of the complaint by the Monitor investigative film studio lodged against Rustavi 2 and Imedi TVs.
In 2009-2010, journalist Giorgi Mgeladze of the Monitor Studio conducted monitoring on Rustavi 2 and Imedi TVs' adherence to the Law on Broadcasting in terms of advertising, TV shopping and funding. The results of the monitoring were presented in the documentary Adverting Beyond the Law. The film features the breach of law by the TV companies.
The GNCC's Department for broadcasting regulation studied the evidences and at its meeting on Dec.20 found 6 of the 7 disputed facts proven.
"Evidence, which was not recognized, concerns the inadmissibility of sponsorship for the programs" Business Courier "and" Postscript". "The law says that news, analysis and political programs reporting on a social theme and the rights of consumers may not have sponsors. The department believes that the "Business Courier" and "Postscript" are not news programs and, accordingly, none of them does not violate the law," the author of the film said in an interview with the media. ge.
Representatives of Rustavi 2 and Imedi said that some violations have been eliminated and another part is not confirmed and, thus, sanctions against the broadcasters should not be imposed. But representatives of the "Monitora" demanded sanctions and publication by these TV channels the declarations about their violations.
In case of confirmation of violation, the Commission shall decide on the declaration.
According the Georgian Law on Broadcasting "In case the violation is proved the Commission draws up and promulgates a declaration. A broadcasting license holder shall, within 5 days, broadcast on prime time a declaration on violation of the license conditions, Georgian legislation or the Code of Conduct. The Commission, taking into consideration the nature and seriousness of violation, is entitled to raise the question of imposing appropriate sanctions on the license holder."