
Azerbaijan at American website Forbes.com

Society Materials 4 May 2013 16:01 (UTC +04:00)

Azerbaijan, Baku, May 4 / Trend /

"Baku: A 1500-year-old gem shines bright with advanced infrastructure, innovative technologies and diverse enterprises".

An article and reportage one of the prestigious financial analysts and investment managers of Wall Street Journal, Hilary Kramer on the website Forbes.com starts with these words.

Recently, Kramer and employees of Forbes.com have been invited to Baku on the initiative of founder of Azerbaijan America Alliance, Anar Mammadov, as a result of which the article and video reportage were posted on the website.

The article, where Azerbaijan is rated as the most influential country in the region, also analyzed restoration work, the construction process and cultural projects. It highlighted that Azerbaijan keeps pace with the leading countries of the world, and even in many cases leaves them behind.

"These broad-based, extensive infrastructure and technological advancements and upgrades are possible in the short span of four years because President Aliyev has chosen to turn its vast oil-capital into human-capital. Revenue from the country's vast, oil-reserves are also being used to explore and develop renewables, and green initiatives, and best-practice technologies in every sector," the article says.

The author also describes Azerbaijan as a favorable country for making investments.
"Azeris also have much to be proud of beyond their borders. For starters, Azerbaijan has a seat on the United Nations Security Council. Forbes ranks Azerbaijan 24th in terms of providing investor protection and 15th as a country that is able to avoid the red tape that usually plagues most emerging economies. Overall, Azerbaijan is ranked #73 out of 141 in the Forbes list of the best countries to do business. Right under Brazil and coming in ahead of China (96th), India (97th) and Russia (#105th)," the article says.

It should be noted that the article and video reportage, posted on the Forbes.com website on the initiative of founder of Azerbaijan America Alliance, Anar Mammadov, are the first in the series of materials. In order to read them, one should visit the following link:

The Azerbaijan America Alliance is a nonpartisan, non-profit organization providing critical information about the people, culture, society, industry, history,
and current events of the Azeri people. Its mission is to foster and strengthen relations between the people of Azerbaijan and the United States. Fore more information, one can visit the official website www.azerbaijanamericaalliance.org.

