More than 91 governments' ministers will attend first ever Global Forum on Youth Policies to be held in Baku in 28-30 October 2014, Azerbaijani Ministry of Youth and Sport reported.
Confirmation letters on the attendance of 92 dedicated ministers to the Global Forum, jointly organized by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), UN Office of the Secretary-General's Envoy on Youth, European Council, UNESCO and the Government of Azerbaijan have been received. Stressing the importance of the Forum, some countries' ministers hope for a new development trend on youth policies and consider the event as a stimulus for relevant projects in the future.
General Manager of National Youth Policy of Saudi Arabia, Prof. Saleh A. Alnassar noted that despite the existence of laws and policies on youth issue all over the world, no any appropriate action was taken even in developed countries. "The importance of this forum stems from the objectives and outcomes targeted to be achieved during the forum. I believe this forum should give hope and aspiration to young generations, as it ascertains commitment from decision makers to the youth, and acknowledges their role as active agents for change for the advancement and prosperity of their nations," he says.
Another minister who shared his opinions about the upcoming Forum was a serbian minister of youth and sports, Mr. Vanja Udovicic. He mentioned positive achievements of Serbia in youth policy field that could serve to others as role model. "Serbia is dedicated in large extent to quality cooperation on regional, European and international level, since this cooperation represents the framework for exchange of knowledge, information and good-practice examples. I am more than sure that the Global Forum to be held in Baku will be important and interesting for participating nations." - Vanca Udovicic says.
4705 youth applicants from 174 countries showed their interest in participation and 200 of them have been selected to attend the Forum. Overall 200 governmental officials will be either in minister or deputy minister level. Moreover, 100 experts on youth policies will contribute to the work of the Forum. The official web-site of the Forum is