
Admirer of Pushkin’s works, future chemical engineer selects Baku Higher Oil School

Society Materials 28 July 2016 11:19 (UTC +04:00)

Baku, Azerbaijan, July 28


Fatima Abdinli was born in Baku in 1997. Having scored 695 points during the entrance examination on first group specialization Fatima selected chemical engineering specialization of Baku Higher Oil School (BHOS). As her family lived in Moscow, Russia, Fatima studied at Moscow school 1301, from first to third grades. Then she moved to live in Baku with her family members. She started her fourth grade education at the school N93 of Narimanov district. Starting from the fifth grade Fatima Abdinli studied at elitist high school named after Ilyas Efendiyev. She was always an advanced student being at school manifesting excellent performance. Accordingly to Fatima, she tried to study hard on all courses. Due to the fact that Fatima was preparing to submit documents for first specialization group, as a senior student she gave preference to technical courses. Scoring 695 points by Fatima during the entrance examination is connected with the mentioned fact. Fatima selected desired direction opportunely.

Fatima what is your main reason of taking interest in technical courses?

My father’s major was technical. He also took interest in technical courses. I can precisely say that my inclination to the said courses is connected with the mentioned fact. However, direction to this very specialization is stemmed from giving more preference to technical courses on my part. Actually, I am fond of fiction especially I am fascinated by Russian poet Alexander Pushkin’s creations. I like his ‘Yevgeni Onegin’, ‘Capitan’s Daughter’ works.

Were you advanced student at school?

Yes I was. My performance on all courses was excellent. At the same time I was active participants of school debates. We mostly discussed social issues. I was always actively involved in such debates.

Do you want to select chemical engineering specialization?

I have selected BHOS chemical engineering specialization. I intend to create new formula, discover something new. I am inclined to scientific novelties. I would like to do research. Chemistry is very interesting for me. I always follow YouTube videos on chemical solutions.

So, examination anxiety has been left behind… How was it for you and what would you advise to the prospective students?

I believe to achieve success one should study hard and well right from the first grade. Otherwise, you cannot keep pace with the programme. Along with studying the prospective students should learn how to have a good repose. For instance, to let the brain rest they can take the books outdoor and read them there, in the parks. As for anxiety connected with examination, I tried to be calm. I sat still and assured myself that everything would be fine as I studied a lot. My parents and teachers assured me of the same. After examination, we checked my answers together with my teacher. I made a mistake in English language section. As I was leaving the examination hall, I realized that one answer was wrong. When we were checking, I learned exactly where the mistake was. That is why I did not score 700 points.

How can you explain your selection BHOS?

When I was at the secondary school, BHOS was established. At 9-10 grades I thought I needed to score high points to be admitted to BHOS. My selection can also be explained by high education level offered at the higher school, and by the fact that being comparatively new institution BHOS is at the same time modern one. However, I am aware of the difficulties connected with the studying there although I know I will manage it and study hard. Conditions offered by BHOS for students are very attractive for me. For example, English language as the instruction language, internship at chemical enterprises. I intend to continue my education on master level in future.

