The project of the UNEC scientists won the Azerbaijan-Belarusian Inernational grant competition.
The competition was organized by the Foundation for the Development of Science and the Belarusian Republican Foundation for the Fundamental Research.
The head of the project,devoted to the topic “Forming the joint industrial clusters for the promotion of complex technological products in the domestic markets of the Belarusian and Azerbaijan Republic” is the head of the chair “Marketing”, professor Telman Imanov and the executors are the professor of the chair “Business administration” Rashad Muradov and the associated professor of the chair “Economics” (in russian language) Leyla Hajiyeva.
The goal of the fundamental-applied character project, presented in the field of humanitarian and social sciences is to develop the economic mechanism for the formation and functioning of joint industrial clusters for the promotion of complex technological products in the domestic markets of Azerbaijan and Belarus Republics. The scientific significance of the reserch work is to create the motivation for the further expansion of the relations between the two countries and to create the development srategy for large enterprises in these countries. The state authorities of both countries can benefit the results of the research.