
Azerbaijan talks possible vaccination of adolescents prone to catching COVID-19

Society Materials 27 October 2021 17:23 (UTC +04:00)

BAKU, Azerbaijan, Oct. 27

By Chingiz Safarli - Trend:

The Ministry of Health of Azerbaijan recommends vaccinating adolescents aged over 12 who are at risk from coronavirus (COVID-19), Aynura Zeynalova, Consultant of the Health Organization Department of the Ministry of Health, said, Trend reports.

Zeynalova made the remark during a live broadcast on the ‘Children and COVID-19’ topic, on the department's Instagram page.

According to her, the risk group includes adolescents suffering from obesity, diseases of the immune system, lungs, heart, kidney failure, Down syndrome.

“The consent of both parents is required for vaccination. According to WHO recommendations, adolescents are vaccinated with Pfizer, with the same dose as adults,” Zeynalova said.

The expert said that usually in the autumn-winter period, immunity in children and adolescents weakens.

“Moreover, face-to-face classes in schools have resumed, and there are more contacts. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor the work of the gastrointestinal tract, to try not to disturb the sleep regime,” said the doctor.

