
Baku Higher Oil School solemnly celebrates Victory Day (PHOTO)

Society Materials 5 November 2021 10:22 (UTC +04:00)

Baku Higher Oil School (BHOS) has hosted a solemn event dedicated to November 8 - Victory Day.

The event, held with the support of the Zafar Public Association for Supporting Martyr Families and the Fund for the Promotion of Spiritual Values, was attended by families of Shehids, participants and veterans of the Patriotic War, MPs, public figures, faculty and students of the university.

First, the event participants honored with a minute of silence the memory of the Shehids who gave their lives for the liberation of our lands, and the State Anthem of the Republic of Azerbaijan was performed.

Opening the event, Rector of Baku Higher Oil School Elmar Gasimov spoke about the courage and heroism of the soldiers of the Azerbaijani army, who, under the command of the President of Azerbaijan, Supreme Commander-in-Chief Ilham Aliyev, put an end to the 30-year occupation, having won a glorious victory in the 44-day Patriotic War. The rector noted that BHOS students, being the intellectual soldiers of Azerbaijan, should always and everywhere honorably represent our country, honor the memory of Shehids, and promote the history of our country.

“This victory was earned for us by the heroic sons of Azerbaijan, our Shehids and veterans under the command of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief Ilham Aliyev. We had been waiting for this day for almost 30 years and finally, thanks to the brave sons born of heroic mothers, we won the Great Victory. I kiss the hands of these mothers. The graves of our martyrs are a sacred place for us. The liberation of the occupied lands and our victory inspired us and gave us confidence. This victory is a great heroic chronicle of our history. Along with teaching our students at the level of international standards, we educate them in the spirit of patriotism. We are proud that among our students and graduates there are brave sons who took part in the Patriotic War and were awarded medals for heroism,” Elmar Gasimov said.

Speaking about the unity of the army, state and people, Deputy Chair of the Milli Majlis, Head of the Committee for Youth and Sports, Adil Aliyev, noted that the victory that every citizen of Azerbaijan was waiting for was won thanks to the heroism of the Azerbaijani army, the wisdom of the Supreme Commander and the support rendered by the people to our army in this holy war.

“Each of us is happy to have witnessed these historic days. The Azerbaijani state and people had always been supporters of peace. Therefore, for about 30 years we had been trying to free our lands through negotiations. However, during this time, our insidious enemies repeatedly committed provocations and made new territorial claims. The patience of the Azerbaijani people had already exhausted, and September 27 was a turning point. Finally, we have restored historical justice,” Adil Aliyev added.

The MP highly appreciated the activities of Baku Higher Oil School, noting that, along with receiving a quality education, BHOS students are also being educated in the spirit of patriotism.

Sevinj Orujeva, the widow of Shehid, lieutenant colonel Raguf Orujev, and Chair of the Zafar Public Association for Supporting Martyr Families, called on all young people to stand up for our lands, where thousands of heroic sons sacrificed their lives for the freedom of their homeland.

“Our Shehids have entrusted us with our lands, where their blood was shed. You, young people, should cherish these lands like the apple of your eye. You must promote our sacred values at all levels, tell everyone about the heroism of our soldiers and pass these values on to future generations. "

“I have lost one son, but gained thousands of sons,” said Filara Ismailova, mother of the hero of the Patriotic War, Shehid Jamal Ismailov. She shared her memories of her son.

Vusal Yagubov, a hero of the Patriotic War, and Rufat Huseynzade, a BHOS student and a veteran of the Patriotic War, shared their memories of the battles in which they participated and of the comrades-in-arms who gave their lives for the freedom of their country.

Then the short-length film "The Road to Victory" was shown.

The event continued with awarding the winners of the essay contest "My Motherland is Azerbaijan", a performance by the People's Artist Ali Nur, father of the Shehid of the Second Karabakh War Rovshan Nurzade, and the performance of patriotic songs to the accompaniment of the Military Orchestra of the State Border Service.

