
Azerbaijan applying innovations for agrochemical soil analysis

Economy Materials 20 January 2021 10:39 (UTC +04:00)

BAKU, Azerbaijan, Jan. 20

By Samir Ali – Trend:

Azerbaijan plans to involve farmers, possessing 10 hectares or more lands, in the agrochemical soil analysis from 2021, a source at the Ministry of Agriculture told Trend.

According to the source, at present, monitoring has begun in accordance with the statements about the autumn planting for the current year. The subsidies will be paid after entering the results of the soil analysis together with the monitoring results into the e-agriculture information system (EAIS).

“The analysis will create additional opportunities for farmers to determine the soil's need for nutrients, determine the type of fertilizer required for plants, as well as its effective use, ensure long-term and sustainable land use, including obtaining agronomic advice,” said the source.

“So, the basic analysis package includes the study of soil pH, salinity (EC), mobile phosphorus (P2O5), assimilated potassium (K2O), and total nitrogen (N). In the ministry’s regional agrochemical laboratories, the cost of one package of basic analysis is 28 manat ($16.4) per sample. For the analysis, it’s recommended to take samples from every five hectares of cultivated areas,” the source also noted.

As the source pointed out, one of the most important steps in the soil analysis process is proper sampling, which should be done in accordance with the Instruction on Sampling for Agrochemical Analysis.

“Following the instructions, each farmer must take soil samples for analysis and submit them to regional agrochemical laboratories equipped with the up-to-date equipment in 11 districts of the country (Absheron, Shamakhi, Goygol, Sabirabad, Guba, Tovuz, Shaki, Lankaran, Salyan, Ujar, and Barda), or the same to the reception departments organized in the State Centers for Regional Agrarian Development,” the source also noted. “The geographical coordinates of the sites from which the samples were taken must be indicated. The instructions are available on the official website (www.axa.gov.az) and social media pages of the Agency for Agrarian Services,” added the source.

