
I CC Prepared to Give $14Bln to Ukraine

Business Materials 17 October 2008 16:17 (UTC +04:00)

Ukraine, Kiev, 17 October / corr Trend Z.Novosvitskiy / The International Monetary Fund (IFC) is prepared to give loan in the amount of $14bln to Ukraine, the President's Administration reported quoting spokes person Irina Vannikova as saying.

'Today [17 October], Ukrainian President Viktor Yushenko will meet with representatives of the IFC, which are prepared to give Kiev loan in the amount of $14bln for stabilization of country's financial sector," statement said.

The IFC is prepared to consider the allocation of special loans in the amount from $3bln to $14bln to stabilize financial system, prime minister Yuliya Timoshenko said on 16 October.

For the time being the Ukrainian Finance Ministry does not consider the borrowing of funds from the IFC, Biktor Pinzenik, minister of finance, said to journalists on 16 October.

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